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Women's Music: The Evolution of a Revolution

1970s female artists describe their experiences as feminist musicians. Interviews with veteran female musicians, Holly Near, Cris Williamson, Jamie Anderson, and Tret Fure (pages one and two of four).

Women's Music: Evolution of a Revolution

Female musicians discuss their experiences as women in rock and how they have been marginalized within a male-dominated industry (continuation of article focusing on the evolution of women's rock music, pgs 3-4).

Women Working in Factories

Photos of women working on high explosive shells, they were fitting and screwing on shells, inspecting shells and rough turning shells.

Women of the Civil Rights Movement

Shirley Chisholm was a congresswoman representing New York's 12th Congressional District. In 1969, she became the first African-American woman elected to Congress. In January, 1972 she became the first major-party black candidate for the president of…

Women at work

Chapter three from Women at Work. It focuses on women who stepped up to work during the war.