An advertisement for "Songs and Stories of the Red Man," a show by the Gale Costume Lectures, performed by Albert Gale and Martha Brockway Gale.
Last two pages of score to "Napanee" with lyrics. Lyrics to the chorus read:Pretty little Indian Napanee,Will you take a chance and marry me?Tho' daddy is a chief, 'tis my belief,To a very merry wedding he'll agree.True you're a dark little Indian maid,but I'll sunburn to a darker shade,I'll wear…
An advertisement for John Kilham's performance of "real Indian life" in character and full costume as "Ko-la-wash-ta."
A group of white cowboys gathered around an Indian cook kneeling at the camp fire.
A postcard from a man to a male friend depicting a Native American on a horse with a spear in a "traditional" buffalo hunt.