An etching found in the script of the playBetter Than Gold: A Drama in Four Actsby George M. Baker. This style of theatre is characteristic of the work The Ideals performed on a regular basis.
Admission ticket used for an unspecified opening night performance given by The Ideals.
Back cover of the Faurot Opera House's 1892-1893 season. In addition to giving information about the performance, program space was also sold for advertisements.
Play list on file with The Ideals, most likely used for script perusal. Several plays, includingQueena andRanch 10were performed by The Ideals.
An advertisement for the Ideal's production ofNorthern Lights, performed as a part of their touring repertiore.
This tour list details cities visited in one season by The Ideals. Shows were staged in full, then shipped via railway to cities across the Northeast.
Cover of the scriptNorth and Southpresented by The Ideals. An original written by John Himmelein himself, this particular copy is comprised of handwritten "sides". Before printing services were readily available, actors were given handwritten sides that contained only their own lines, separated by…
A photograph of posters for Vogel's Big City Minstrels on display against the outside of a building on a street corner, taken 1913.