Mary Leslie Newton quotes a poem to excuse her short letter and describes a variety of social calls along with her teaching music, attending Sunday school, visiting the cemetery, and missing a dog show. She continues a discussion she and her father were apparently having about possibly purchasing a…
Mary Leslie Newton wrote a lengthy letter to her father about a fall she took, the repair of her watch, her sister Halley's studies, a croquet game, and a social call. She concludes with a humorous postscript about her height.
Mary Leslie Newton humorously explains the date discrepancy on a previous letter and describes a series of social calls, including a mishap with directions. She mentions grape picking and a Lal Bagh reception.
Mary Leslie Newton provides a thorough account of her day of examinations in both handwritten and typewritten form. She humorously mentions a fall down the cellar stairs, and goes on to describe her exams in arithmetic, grammar, geography, theory and practice, history, physiology, spelling, and…
Mary Leslie Newton provides meta-commentary on the letter itself and other letters she is writing, social calls, and changes at the church. She requests that her father pay them a visit. The letter concludes with a small handwritten note when she ran out of space for the typewriter.
In this undated letter, Mary Leslie Newton describes visiting the school building and sitting in on a variety of lessons, as well as receiving a photograph from a previous teacher. She mentions a social call and her music student. The letter shifts from being handwritten to typewritten near the end.…
Mary Leslie Newton begins the letter in German and signs her name at the end as "Marylesliedorothyrosamondxenianewton." She describes issues with the typewriter, a series of social calls, and her sister Halley's vision problems. A handwritten postscript recounts a prank she and Halley played on…
Mary Leslie Newton describes the weather and her Latin examination. She recounts the death of the family cat Pooh-bah. She describes her visit to the reading room, her upcoming commencement, and her search for a job, along with the expectation that she would take the teacher's examination over the…