An unusual letter compared to the others: Mary Leslie Newton was attending a Teacher's Institute. In addition to her normal meta-commentary, observations about weather, church, and school, she also combined multiple handwritten sections amid the typewritten portions while she was in music lessons at…
Mary Leslie Newton provides meta-commentary on the letter throughout and the typewriter issues she was having. She describes a Lal Bagh meeting, her grades, the weather, cleaning the attic, playing croquet, church and Sunday school, and a lost watch piece. Postscripts, both typed and handwritten,…
Mary Leslie Newton describes the lack of news, mentions issues with the typewriter, humorously describes her wishes for more news, discusses prayer-meeting, a new baby, and her role as a music teacher. A handwritten postscript asks her father to visit soon.
This letter contains a typewritten and a handwritten letter, sent at the same time due to a delay. One page of the typewritten letter has a pencil drawing of a bird. The letter describes a trip to the YMCA reading room, weather, a frightening incident with a horse, Latin, shocking her sister by…
The letter recounts school events, including a series of small fires, prayer meeting, "squaws," a lecture, their cats, the appearance of a beggar, the arrival of a box from the Century Company, and the weather.
A typewritten letter from Mary Leslie Newton, which makes use of old letterhead from Samuel Newton's publishing business. She describes her attempt to collect money from a woman named Mrs. Paine, and encloses a handwritten poem.
Mary Leslie Newton describes the cold weather, an ill cat, the arrival of Harpers, ancestral family information, and a discussion of drawing lessons
Mary Leslie Newton writes an account of recent events, including social interactions, her school report, and a missing cat.