A large poster in neon colors featuring Micky, Goofy and Donald Duck (Disney characters) sitting around a table and smoking from a large hookah. Their eyes are drooping and red.
THIS ITEM CONTAINS HARMFUL LANGUAGE. This is a small, bookmark-sized comic flyer distributed by the American NAZI Party promoting White Power.
A Delfen Contraceptive Foam advertisement that reads: "For the woman who wants more children. Later. We know what you have been looking for. A thoroughly tested means of birth control. Nothing to 'wear' or remove. A product you can buy without prescription. You have it now. Delfen…
This pamphlet was made and disseminated to the public as part of a movement to free Huey P. Newton from wrongful incarceration.
A Country Club Malt Liquor advertisement. It reads: "Okay, Lady, you win. // Look, we never did say that women couldn't drink Country Club. All we said is that it appeals mostly to men. Which it does. That's because it's not a beer or an ale, but malt liquor--a masculine cousin of the other…
Part of a series in Teen Life presenting career options to female teenage readers.
A cover image from Life Magazine June 13, 1969. The cover text reads: "When new methods of human reproduction become available-- Can traditional family life survive? Will marital infidelity increase? Will children and parents still love each other? Would you be willing to have a 'test-tube'…