Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, February 15, 1943
MLA Citation
Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947. “Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, February 15, 1943.” Digital Gallery. BGSU University Libraries, 13 Nov. 2023, digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42522. Accessed 6 Feb. 2025.
Title | Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, February 15, 1943 |
[top right] 15 Feby 1943 [end top right]
Dear Sonny Boy-
Just finished and sent a letter to Sally. She wrote last week and said that Bee + Mose (+ Sally) were planning to come up after basket ball season, but that they might have to come on the train to Woodville, that Mose might not have any gas coupons left by that time. Then Sally said "Pop, you don't have any extra coupons, do you"? So, in the letter to her today I enclosed 5 gas coupons good for 20 gallons and asked her if I should send the $4.00 with which to buy the gas, or if that old broken down coach could raise the cash down there. Of course it is just a bit illegal but I'll take the chance- just so Young Bob (Hole) dont use up the gas before they get ready to come. Well we went to Bill's wedding last Saturday and it was nice, except that all I could Visualize during the ceremony was your wedding in Pittsburgh and Bills wedding in Greenville- each in your Officers uniforms and your wives each in her gorgeous wedding gowns- so darned beautiful. Your old Pop cracked his knuckles and bit his lips to keep from bawling like a fool- but I made it alright. I saw Bill R. just before the ceremony and took him off in the corner, where I slipped a 5 dollar bill in his hand and told him that half of it came from the South Pacific area and the other half from Texas- that he and Sue were to have the best Sunday dinner on the Gernert boys. It kind of affected the old boy, of course he was pretty nervous anyway.
The Waughs had gone to Columbus on Thursday to a two day convention and were already there, so I drove and took the Bowmans- we left at 9:00 a.m., were at Eddie Grays house at 1:00 P.M. went to the wedding at 4:30, then came back to the Grays till 7:30 when we went over to the Fraher's for a buffet dinner, with a few highballs thrown in between times by way of a celebration. Got back to the Grays about midnight and hit the hay. The Waughs, Bowmans + us all stayed at the Grays. The Conklins + Rothes stayed at the Seneca Hotel. Sunday all of us, from Bowling Green, gathered at the Grays for Sunday dinner, then we left for home at 3:30 and home at 7:00. The weather turned awful cold on Saturday- it was 4 below zero in Columbus Sunday morning and Eddie had to push our Ford to get it started but otherwise it ran like a top. It was a very simple wedding, Bill didn't even buy a new suit and Sue wore a suit and they left on the train for Cincinnati for two days. They have a little furnished flat ready to go to when they get back and Sue will continue working as I understand. I was all dressed up in my new blue suit and we really had a good week and Shirley kept the home fires burning and had 4 girls stay with her Saturday night. Mom is so happy to be back and she feels just fine except she worries about Mary, however we had a card from Mary today and she is feeling fine. The Doctor said she must not take that auto ride to Salt Lake City when Bill goes there about the 22nd of Feby to select and train his crew, so she may stay where she is or come home. [Ink splotch interrupts and blurs writing] Shirley's old flame, Glenn, has gone in the draft. Shirley is all over that tho. Have to close now, Dicky Boy, and go to school Board meeting. Be pops good [triple underlined] boy wherever you are and Remember your prayers I love you more than tongue can tell and I pray for you Sethy man. Write as often as you can.
[bottom right] Oceans of Love from [double underlined] your Dad [end double underlined]. | |
Subject | Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947 |
Gernert, Richard Thomas, 1919-1994 | |
Gernert family | |
Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988 | |
Gernert, William Edgar, 1917-2009 | |
Gernert, Mary Alice Hawley, 1917-2013 | |
Gernert, Eveline Schwartz Mowry, 1920-1999 | |
Harley, Shirley Louise Gernert, 1925-1981 | |
Hole, Helen Beatrice Beeman, 1896-1978 | |
Hole, Ernest Maine, 1896-1984 | |
Rothe, William Saxby, 1920-2009 | |
Rothe, Susan Fraher, 1920-2009 | |
Rothe family | |
Fraher family | |
Gray family | |
Waugh family | |
Bowman family | |
Conklin family | |
Seneca Hotel (Columbus, Ohio) | |
Columbus (Ohio) | |
Pittsburgh (Pa.) | |
Fort Worth (Tex.) | |
Salt Lake City (Utah) | |
South Pacific Ocean | |
World War, 1939-1945 -- Ohio -- Bowling Green | |
Bowling Green (Ohio) | |
Creator | Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947 |
Source | Gernert family letters; MS-1269; Center for Archival Collections; University Libraries; Bowling Green State University |
Date | 1943-02-15 |
Rights | |
Format | Correspondence |
application/pdf | |
Language | eng |
Identifier | ms1269_19430215 |
https://digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42522 | |
Spatial Coverage | Bowling Green (Ohio) |
Columbus (Ohio) | |
Pittsburgh (Pa.) | |
Fort Worth (Tex.) | |
Salt Lake City (Utah) | |
South Pacific Ocean | |
Type | Text |