Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, January 7, 1943
MLA Citation
Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947. “Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, January 7, 1943.” Digital Gallery. BGSU University Libraries, 13 Nov. 2023, digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42510. Accessed 8 Sep. 2024.
Title | Letter from William H. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, January 7, 1943 |
[top right] 7 January 1943 [end top right]
Dear Son-
For 3 days since Sunday we have had such an ice condition on the highways that traffic is very hasardous - no school busses have run and most county [underlined] schools in Northwestern Ohio + Michigan are closed.
Last night it began to snow, on top of all the ice, and this morning we have about 6 inches of snow and still snowing. Some winter!
Your letter to Bryan Coo, Cor Broadway and 42nd Street, was a dandy and I think it is helping "Cooky's" business. Different ones have asked me, "Have you seen Dicks leter to "Cooky"?" Good work!
Dick, isn't it grand that your mother can be down south with Mary + Bill? Shirley and I get along swell - but we sure miss the old girl. We tell her what "Mose" always says, "that fish + company smell [underlined] after 3 days", and for her to say as long as she is needed but to remember that Shirley graduates in June, etc. Mom says it is really pathetic how Mary and Bill appreciate her being with them. She says Bill has her baking cookies + pies every day. He is just a "cake-eater", any way, the big lug.
[dash separating paragraphs]
[right of page] 8 Jan. '43 [end right of page]
About a foot of snow and 5 above zero this a.m., Paper says more snow + colder. Br-r-r-r!
BGU beat Findlay last night 70-35 - this Gray [unsure sp] made 30 pts - no earthly good on defense, but he sure can hit that basket.
High school plays Findlay H.S. tonight.
Shirley is having [cut-off by hole punch] her sorority at our house for supper tonight - I am to French Fry Potatoes for 19(?) girls, wont I be busy? At first here were to be 12, now 19, if any more come I'll move out to the Park Shelter House. Think of your old pop, peeling and French Frying a pack of Potatoes. But I love to do those things for my daughter, just like I used to love to cook for you and your pals. Remember the Steaks + Baked Potatoes I used to serve you before games?
[unsure br] Bob Oldfather asked all about you last night, as did Jack Burns [unsure leg] and many others. Ralph Duesinbury [unsure sp] was laughing about the letter you wrote "Cooky".
[right of page] Saturday [underlined] a.m. [underlined] [end right of page]
Eight (8) below zero this morning and a damp biting cold - all the trees and bushes were coated white with frost - some weather.
Findlay beat the High School last night 26-22. Our boys were way off on their shooting tho.
Uncle Abie called me this morning and read your letter to me. He said when he read it the first time he bawled like a baby and when he read it to me he had to stop a couple of times and gulp. A Swell letter, son.
I got a confidential letter from Bill this morning - poor kid - he is so appreciative of mom being there - it relieves him of the worry over Mary. His hours are so odd, one day from 7 AM to 11:00 p.m., and the next from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and seven [underlined] days a week, so he only comes home every other night, now that mom is there. Mom waits on Mary hand and foot as you might
2- [centered]
know she would - sees that Mary gets the right food to eat and every thing, 'cause before mom got there, Mary couldn't stand it to cook a thing, consequently wasn't eating herself. He says, Mary is definitely better but sill in bed and leaves now + then.
Well I French Fried just about one [underlined] pack [underlined] of potatoes for Shirleys 19 girls for supper last night - then I washed dishes till game-time and after the game I came home and finished the pots and pans. They had such a good time and Shirley appreciated what I did so much. Today Shirley will clean the entire house and [underlined x2] scrub the kitchen floor - she really is a worker, when she gets started just like you, Dicky Boy.
Coach Glenwright of Sandusky high school - a Mt Union graduate - was one of the referee's and I was introduced to him by Max Shaffer, the other Referee. Glenwright said "Gernert", are you any relation to that boy Gerner that made such a record at Wooster? I said "just his Dad". H said "well, you can be darned proud of your boy, he sure put Wooster on the map and was the most feared boy in every sport, by the My Union officials and players". He asked where you were now - said he had seen you perform many times and asked to be remembered to you! He seems like a nice fellow and of course I was pretty proud to admit you were my son.
Bill says those [cut-off by hole punch] B 24 Liberators [cut-off by hole punch] are some sweet ship.
You know he is supposed to live at the field. He had to get a special dispensation to live in town. He says he may be flying up this way some of these days, that if I see or hear a 4 motor job buzzing around our back yard, it will be my son.
Shirley and I have decided to eat out tonight - at Harveys. I have had a pretty heavy day and she has worked hard.
Say, you sure ate enough Xmas day, didnt you?
Jimmy Wilson is back in England, says mandmary [unsure sp].
Two weeks ago tonight we started mom toward Fort Worth. It seems longer. Eddie + Ruth Gray phoned from Columbus the other night - just to see how Shirley and I were getting along. Pretty nice, eh? Well sweet man-o-mine, I will get this in the mail.
It is now 6:00 p.m at the office - must phone Shirley. Be Pops good Boy as always.
Bushels of Love to you son and take care of yourself
[signed to bottom right] your Pop. [end bottom right] | |
Subject | Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947 |
Gernert, Richard Thomas, 1919-1994 | |
Gernert family | |
Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988 | |
Gernert, William Edgar, 1917-2009 | |
Gernert, Mary Alice Hawley, 1917-2013 | |
Harley, Shirley Louise Gernert, 1925-1981 | |
Hole, Ernest Maine, 1896-1984 | |
Glenwright, Wallace Charles, 1908-1997 | |
Bowling Green State University -- Basketball | |
Bowling Green High School (Ohio) -- Basketball | |
B-24 (Bomber) | |
Fort Worth (Tex.) | |
Columbus (Ohio) | |
World War, 1939-1945 -- Ohio -- Bowling Green | |
Bowling Green (Ohio) | |
Creator | Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947 |
Source | Gernert family letters; MS-1269; Center for Archival Collections; University Libraries; Bowling Green State University |
Date | 1943-01-07 |
Rights | |
Format | Correspondence |
application/pdf | |
Language | eng |
Identifier | ms1269_19430107 |
https://digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42510 | |
Spatial Coverage | Bowling Green (Ohio) |
Fort Worth (Tex.) | |
Columbus (Ohio) | |
Type | Text |