Letter from Lillian F. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, December 24, 1942
MLA Citation
Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988. “Letter from Lillian F. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, December 24, 1942.” Digital Gallery. BGSU University Libraries, 13 Nov. 2023, digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42506. Accessed 17 Feb. 2025.
Title | Letter from Lillian F. Gernert to Richard T. Gernert, December 24, 1942 |
[top right] December 24, '42 [end top right]
Dear Son of Mine.
It would do e a world of ood to know just where you are right now, but for once in your life you can't very well tell me. You said in one of your leters, something about not having a "white" Xmas this year so I'm assuming you have no snow. We have certainly had a [unsure leg] for a month now. The walks are so hard to keep decent, in fact you [unsure leg], the minute you get them half way "walkable" it snows and freezes or rains and freezes. One likes [unsure sp] ones life in your hands to venture out very far. This past two weeks have sure been busy ones for me. I've made so many Xmas presents and the other night Betty Wilson called Shirley to ask her if I wouldn't make a new top for an evening dress for her. She couldn't find a dressmaker who would do it before last night when she wanted to wear it. Shirley old her I would do it, so I had to do it, but I was glad to help her, she is so nice. However today I feel as to I were drawing the first free breath for many a [unsure leg]. There is still plenty of work to be done, but it [illegible] wait until Saturday. Today I a going to make a [unsure leg] salad, a pumpkin pie, and a lemon chiffon [unsure leg] pie - which is really for you [underlined x2], I'm pretending. We are invited down to Bowman's tomorrow but I wouldnt go unless I could furnish [unsure sp] salad and dessert so thats the way it is. We have the tree in the end of the dining room - and the room looks as usual, full of wrapping paper - string. etc. We havent Bill and Mary's address as yet, so we haven't sent their things. It's a shame to have [unsure leg] so late bu with the mails so full - and [unsure leg], may its just as well. I haven't finished the rug or Sally yet, but I think I can send it. We don't know any more about Mr. Scheid, but he expects to hear after tomorrow. It would surely be swell to have Sally here. One night we were out to Waughs while she was hre, and Frank, Alice and Kak [unsure sp] came over. Daddy told [unsure leg] about the possibility of Sally coming here to
teach thi [cut off by punch-hole] that that would be wonderful, especially Kak, you know there aren't many youngs ones over here teaching and she was so happy at the prospect of Sally being there, she just talked about it the rest of the evening. She expects a ring this vacaion from a fellow who eaces art in the Cincinati schools. He seems like a very nice chap, and I hope he is, because she is such a peach. By the way we had xmas card from George Ehle, and they had two boys now, Bobby and David, imagine tat . I can hardly wait, old darling, for these times to be over and we begin living normally again. Then we can plan on our grandchildren. Is really kind of difret to think of being a "grandmother, but I am more [underlined] than willing to be. Believe me. Last night we were chaperones at the H.S. Sorority Xmas formal in the Rec hall. You remember Laudy [unsure sp] took you last year. They had a really good orchestra and made a little money on it. Shirley has been workin hard on it, so she was so flad to have it a success. It was the first time I had worn my [unsure leg] dress since your wedding. The Bowmans came in afterward and we had a little "let down," They, the Parlettes, Skibbies, Kauna [unsure sp], Hauras [unsure sp], M. Mercers and us were the chaperones. Last Sunday evening the Waughs and Prouts gave the Xmas party at Waughs and the turkey dinner at Prouts. Everyone seemed to have an awfully good time. We have all been so busy we haven't had much time for visiting so we enjoyed being together. We are having the New Years party here. It is to be a party where everyone brins something - to eat, I mean
Xmas [underlined x2] 1942 [underlined x2]
Merry Xmas, darling,
We have been up about two hours and Shirley is so happy over everything she received. She had told us she wanted two [underlined x2] kittens, so Papa had told Dr. Ash to find us some if possible, so he brought them. They have been on a farm and are quite wild, but he said they
2 [centered]
would settle down after while. We put the on the back porch and of couse they hid out of sight the first thing. After a while Shirley and Daddy found them and picked them up, and Daddy's had an accident all down the front of the new sweater (navy blue) we had just given him, and down the front of his pants. I just couldn't help but laugh becausse the last cat we had used his nightshirt up on his bed for a Parlor A [unsure sp].
Excitement plus!!!! We just had a telegram from Bill. He says Mary feels so tough and wants me [underlined x2]! So I'm laving as soon as possible. We can't get the stations, as yem to find out about reservaions, but of course I will leave as soon as possible. We are so [underlined x2] thrilled over it all, only its a shame she has to be so sick. However, I think I certainly am the one to give her at least a moral support. Which is just about the only help for that particular sickness. And I [underlined] should know.
Friday Morning
Well, we alked to Bill, finally, after trying all day to get there. He is kind of worried, I think [underlined],
because Mary has been in bed four days. I'll be so glad to get there and help [underline] them. She just can't [underlined] be any sicker than I was, and look at the fine specimens I gave the world. (And that is no [underlined] joke) They need a lot of moral support right now.
Daddy is leaving now so will send this with him. All the love in the world darling,
[centered] from
Mom [underlined]
XXXXXXXX [end centered] | |
Subject | Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988 |
Gernert, Richard Thomas, 1919-1994 | |
Gernert family | |
Gernert, William Henry, 1886-1947 | |
Gernert, William Edgar, 1917-2009 | |
Gernert, Mary Alice Hawley, 1917-2013 | |
Gernert, Eveline Schwartz Mowry, 1920-1999 | |
Harley, Shirley Louise Gernert, 1925-1981 | |
Bowman family | |
Waugh family | |
Skibbie family | |
Skibbie, Franklin Gus, 1903-1985 | |
Parlette family | |
Parlette, John W., 1901-1989 | |
Hanna family | |
Hanna, Myrna B. Reece, 1878-1955 | |
Dauterich, Kathleen Prout | |
Prout, Frank Jay, 1883-1967 | |
Prout, Alice Flegal, 1893-1953 | |
Scheid, Paul William, 1908-1973 | |
Mercer family | |
Bowling Green High School (Ohio) | |
World War, 1939-1945 -- Ohio -- Bowling Green | |
Bowling Green (Ohio) | |
Creator | Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988 |
Source | Gernert family letters; MS-1269; Center for Archival Collections; University Libraries; Bowling Green State University |
Date | 1942-12-24 |
Rights | |
Format | Correspondence |
application/pdf | |
Language | eng |
Identifier | ms1269_19421224 |
https://digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/42506 | |
Spatial Coverage | Bowling Green (Ohio) |
Rights Holder | Gernert, Lillian Forrest, 1893-1988 |
Type | Text |