Hiram Ketcham diary
MLA Citation
Title | Hiram Ketcham diary | |
Subject | Ketcham, Hiram | |
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 67th (1861-1865) | ||
United States. -- History. -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives | ||
Description | The diary of Hiram Ketcham during the years 1864 and 1865. Ketcham describes his experiences and activities during his time as a member of the 67th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. | |
Creator | Ketcham, Hiram | |
Source | Hiram Ketcham diary; MMS-1332; Center for Archival Collections; University Libraries; Bowling Green State University | |
Date | 1864-1865 | |
Rights | ||
Format | Diaries | |
application/pdf | ||
Language | eng | |
Identifier | mms01332_i00001_p00001_p00020 | |
mms01332_i00001_p00021_p00040 | ||
mms01332_i00001_p00041_p00058 | ||
https://digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/32708 | ||
Is Referenced By | http://maurice.bgsu.edu/record=b2315999~S9 | |
Spatial Coverage | Columbus (Ohio) | |
Virginia | ||
Type | Text | |
Hiram Ketcham of Buchanan, Post Office, Perry Co., Ohio This book belongs to Hiram Ketcham, the carrier thereof, of Buchanan Post Office, Monroe Township, Perry County, Ohio. Was drafted in the service of the United States, Sept 27th, 1864, at Circleville, 12th District, State of Ohio. The notice bearing date Oct 18th, commanding to report on or before the 25th and not served until the 28 & said Ketcham left home the 9th of Nov, reported the 10th & was examined & accepted & went into barracks. November 186413th, on Sunday, went to Tods Barracks, Columbus, Ohio. 14th, reexamined, which was Monday. Wednesday 16th, recd orders to be ready to leave at any warning. Friday 18th, inspection. Saturday 19th, drawed rations & left about 3 o'clock PM. & got to Delaware before sun set & at Cardington before dark & landed in Cleveland about ten o'clock & changed cars for Buffalo. Sunday 20th, about daylight landed in Buffalo, walked out to Barracks at Fort Porter on the lake & stayed till evening, come to town & took cars about dark on the Buffalo, Erie & N.Y.R.R. and went through Hancock just before day, next morning met over 100 cars. Monday 21, passed Fort Jarvis at 8 o'clock, at Middletown before 9, at Goshun a little after 9, and at Patterson a little after 11 & were down the farrie to Jersey City & crossed over into N.Y. City & went into Battery Barracks about one o'clock and at night wrote a letter home and also one to Buckner of New Lexington, enclosing ten dollars to pay taxes. Tuesday 22nd, left Bar. & went about the Steamer Fulton, left harbor at 2 o'clock P.M., sailed all night. 23rd, sun rises clear & pleasant, not in sight of land, in the evening quite rough sea & quite sick, ten o'clock anchored. Thurs 24, about sunrise took small boat & landed at Fortress Monroe 1/2 past 8 & went into Fort. Thanksgiving Day at ten o'clock went abord & left dock, sailed up James River to City Point, anchored at ten o'clock, laid on deck all night. Friday 25th, at 9 o'clock went board of Silver Star & went to Bermudah Hundred & went in camp, met G. Roberts, L. Landers Marshall & others & drawed rations & marched to front some 12 miles, reported at headquarters, division quarters, brigade quarters & went to camp of the 67th Reg. O.V.I. Saturday 26th, assigned to company G & went to building tent. Sunday 27, finished tent and wrote a letter home. 28, nothing of note. Tues 29, washed clothes first time & drilled. Weds 30, drill, weather fine ever since I was in camp. December 1864Thurs Dec 1st, wrote a letter home. Saturday 3, commenced build new tent. Sunday 4th, finished new tent & had inspection, Jesse Latta came to my quarters & sayed all night. Monday 5, took sick. Tues 6, excused from drill, J. Latta & C. Straight come to see me. Wed 7, raining. Thurs 8, able to drill. Fri. 9, turned very cold, wrote a letter home, Brigade drill P.M. Sat 10, attack on skirmish line, ground covered with snow, very sloppy, 67th O. moved out of breastworks & 197 N.Y. placed & in the evening 10 Con placed. Sun 11th, all quiet, very muddy. Mon 12, very cold. Tues 13, on fatique on road & drawed guns & equipments. Weds 14th, drilled with arms. Thursday 15th, fireing on picket line, called out in readiness, grand inspection in P.M., wrote a letter home & also to Columbus at night. Sunday 18th, Recd a letter from Bentley stating Sarah Janes [Davis] papers had come. Monday 19th, Recd letter from home. Tuesday 20, Drill & dress parade. Weds. 21, Raining & 5 men shot, said to be for deserting. Thurs 22, on fatigue on road. Friday 23, Clear & cold, nothing but drill, wrote letter home to send by Latta Sat. 24th, On picket 1st time Sunday 25th, Come in off of picket, Christmas most lonesome day ever witnessed for me apparently Monday 26th, Called out in hollow square to see a man shot while raining for deserting Tues. 27th, Recd. Letter from home bearing date Dec. 20 Wed. 28, Raining, wrote letter at night to S. Bost Thurs. 29, Very sloppy & snowing Fri. 30, Co. drill a.m. & p.m. Bat. Drill Sat. 31, Vry sloppy & snowig & mustered for pay January 1865Sunday Jan. 1st, 1865 New Years, Inspection & recd letter home Monday 2nd, Had drill, very cold Tue. 3rd, on picket Wed. 4, Come off picket, took sick with measles & wrote a letter home Thurs. 5, Excused from duty Fri. 6, Excused from duty & it raining excessively Sat. 7, Raining & a man in Co. B by the name of Joseph Cantell died in his bunk without any one knowing it Sunday 8th, nothing of import Monday 9th, Signed clothing roll for rubber blanket & boy in Co. By name of Albert McGlaughlan shot himself in the calf of leg firing on picket line at night Tues. 10, Raining very hard, wrote letter & sent home by B.F. Stover & a lot of the old men left regiment for home about 1 o'clock at night Wed. 11, Able for drill again, the weather fine Thurs. 12, On fatigue at department head quarters chopping wood, went to sutler of 4 Mass. Calvery for dinner, short of rations in camp Fri. 13, On picket Sat. 14, Come off picket, nothing of note. J. Alderman come to quarters to see me. Rations arrived last night Sunday the 15th of Jan. 1865, Morning fine, preparing for inspections, recd inspection, Recd a letter from home, had dress parade in p.m. 16th, Battalion drill Tue. 17, Received marching orders with one days rations & turned out to be inspection by new commander, Major General Gibbens, got word Fort Fisher taken Wed. 18, On camp guard post at Colonels quarters Thurs 19th, On beat, moon shines bright, revelree & wrote a letter to T.A. Vansickle & mailed to New Lexington Fri. 20, Drill p.m., 6 rebs come in by our reg Sat. 21, Sleeting & very disagreeable. Recd a letter & pair of glove & socks from home & a letter from S.A. Dew & Almira Dorris Sunday 22nd of Jan/65, Drizzling rain, very sloppy, battalion inspection in forenoon, brigade inspection in afternoon, wrote letter home, got premium for cleanliness, regt relieved from picket duty for a week 23, Very sloppy, nothing of import, heavy cannonading at night 24, Called out, stacked arms, coutrements on 1 days rations in haversack in readiness to move, very heavy cannonading (sinking of rebel ram announced, 2 other boats drove a shore) ordered to sleep on arms Wed. 25, Called up at 4 o'clock & took position at breastworks at 10 o'clock. Co. inspection, received marching orders with 2 days rations held in headiness, Cavalry took a scout & reported the rebs back in camp, 6 deserters come in 26, Weather cold, Div. inspection in afternoon at dress parade Friday 27, Continued cold, had drawers stole, four months of my time in Sat. 28, Very cold on guard by breastworks in front of reg, stood one turn at Col. Quarters in the night Sunday 29, Inspection of regiment at 10 o'clock, those come off guard excused Monday 30, Stacked arms, morning very pleasant, scrutinizing drill by Serg. Sorges at breastworks, skirmish drill in p.m. Tues. 31, Had orders to march last night, but countermanded. Another pleasant morning. Read acct of the Smithsonian Institute burning at Washington D.C. on 25th inst. Just had Co. inspection, strong rumors of peace, Blains 2nd trip to Richmond February 1865Feb 1st, Two Co. Inspections in forenoon, day warm & pleasant, present at noon, Col. Inspected for furlough, took wak with G.W. Bryan above division headquarters, at 1 o'clock recd orders to prepare 4 days rations in haversack against sundown, packed knapsacks, all ready to march, not knowing where, various opinions & reports Thurs. 2nd, Another fine day, went to News Depo for pape & failed to get one, forenoon drill, beans for dinner, afternoon drill & dress parade, heavy cannonading on the left Fri. 3rd, On fatigue fixing streets & spreading sawdust Sat. 4th, Detailed for picket, a little Lieutenant of the 199 New York regiment shot a private of his own regiment on the picket line last night, the day & night very pleasant, some cannonading on the left Sun. 5, Come off picket, cold & disagreeable winds, Co. Out on inspection, dress parade in the evening, got a letter from home stating they had good sleighing on the 27 of Jan when letter was wrote & Sary Jane had been to Franks with mayor & been to Lexington with S.A. Dew on Monday but had not got her money, but says you may use it Feb. 6th, Wrote to Ogle to retain money & let me know all about things generally, wrote letter home to take care of papers, had battalion drill by Col. Vorhes in p.m. 1st time dress parade order read delivering 67th from picket duty for one week by being the best in brigade 7th, Snowing, raining & sleeting, very disagreeable, no duty Wed. 8th, Div. inspection a.m., had singular dream last night, thought J.W. was very sick, also of seeing mother. Down to J. Alderman's tent at night, bought inkstand of his mate, bought a pair of drawers of F. Mott 9th, Pleasant & clear, fatigue at camp, drned socks & or read, last night relieving 67th from picket duty one week being best reg. in the division Friday 10, Morning pleasant, excused from drill for pain & soreness in right side, battalion drill in the afternoon 11th, Very pleasant, nothing of import Sunday 12th, Very cold, Reg. inspection, recd letter from home dated Feb 3 & also a letter C. Henry & J. Dorris stating I could use their money, Read acct of fight near Hatcher Monday 13th, Monthly inspection at 10 o'clock & very cold, Co. call to go for wood, dress parade Tues. 14th, Forenoon drill, wrote letter to Alger & Squier, Lock Box A 34, Washington, D.C. Wrote letter to Wm. Helmick, Lock Box 86, Washington, D.C. Wed. 15th, Excused, pain in side, inspection, sleeting rain, went over one mile east of camp for a load of dry wood with Williams, Burns, Mott & Price Thurs. 16th, Excused from all duty Friday 17th, Do. " " " Lieut. Col. Cummiger & Capt Hurst gone several days, thought to make an effort to get to do garrison duty. An ordr from Col. Vorhes to prepare for Sunday inspection, best possible. Capt. Curtis, Barnes & others of the co. gone of furlough for some time, probably 20 days, since they left reg. Sergt. Sordy went day before yesterday & Westfall went some days ago. Excused from duty, very muddy & raining. 1 boy of the 10th Connecticut shot for attempting to desert Saturday Feb the 18th 1865, Excused from duty, weather fine. 2 boys of 10th Conn hung close by stockade, said to be for attempting murder a frenchman Sunday 19th, Weather fine, Co. inspection forenoon, I was excused from same. Recd letter from Mary Jane, Sary Jane & teen dated 10th, saying Eli was well 11th of Jan. And also stating Sary Jane had not heard any more about her money, wanted to know if they should sell oxen. Said A. Dew had got home & rumors of peace & & Afternoon brigade inspection Monday 20th, Weather pleasant, some shots on picket line, three boys, rebs, fetched in this morning, 8 more come in since Co. Called out to shoot target first time. Wrote letter to Mary Jane & wife Tues. 21st, Weather fine. Recd a letter from Alger & Squier & Co, Washington D.C., saying no release unless disabled or wounded. On picket post with E. Mott & Charles Lowerly, hear picket firing to our left, report of 100 or more cannon fired, Columbia, Charleston S.C. said to be possessed by our troops Wed. 22nd, Weather fine, cannon supposed to be saluting Washington's birthday, a boy of our company fell speechless on dress parade, by the name of Geo. Howard Thurs. 23, Raining, another boy said to belong to the 10 Conn shot, northeast of camp, for deserting Fri. 24, Reg. Called out to hear order read announcing the possession of Wilmington by our troops, cannon saluting. Recd letter from & wrote one to J. Condon, Lieut Col. Cumminger made his farewell speech while on dress parade Sat. 25th, Detailed for camp guard, heavy rain at night Sunday Feb. 26th, 1865, Received letter from wife dated the 17th inst., saying B. Denis denied having contract to deliver Bently coal, also from C. Henry saying she would let her papers stand till I come, also inquiring for N.A. McDonald in regard to Williiams, regimental inspection & & &, visited at night to the 62nd, saw W. Stover, he returned from home last night on leave of absence since the 22nd of Jan. & Wm. Weaver left also yesterday for home on leave of absence. J. Stover returned from Baltimore, also heard the frogs hollow for the 1st time Monday 27, Weather fine, detailed to go after Capt. Volice & wet to Department headquarters & thence to Corps headquarters & found it, the Capt. just returned from home on furlough, brigade drill this p.m., wrote letter to Bentley to pay my wife for coal as per contract. Lieut. Col. left for Ohio, 5 mos. time in Tuesday 28, mustered for pay March 1865Wed. March 1st, 1865, Co. inspection in forenoon, p.m. battalion drill by our Capt. Wrote letter to wife no.1 Thurs. 2nd, On picket with Calb & C. Lowery, rained all day & nearly all night Friday 3rd, Nothing of import, had buckwheat cakes, butter & molasses for supper, at night went down 199 Penn and seen them box, me and J. Alderman went to Wilson Stovers tent, had toothache Sat. 4th, Raining, celebration day, me & Williams went over to 116 & 123rd, saw Joseph & Robert Love, they said Geo. Tinker belongs to 122nd & was over between Petersburg & Hatchers Run. Recd a letter from S. Bost, wrote while he was at Savannah Jan. 20th Sunday 5th, Weather fine, recd a letter from wife stating Sary had not got her money yet. Corn was 100 bushell, brigade inspection the 100 N.Y. reg. inspected just in front of our camp & also the 206 Penn. Read account of the burning of Columbia Monday 6, Wrote letter to Ogle & T.A. Vansickle, ordered to get ready for review at 1 o'clock, brigade review by Gen. Ord & all, a lady rode round with staff, it was said by some she was the general's daughter Tues. 7th, Weather fine, review of Division at 10 o'clock a.m. Gen Ord Department commander Gen. Gibbens, Corps Commander Gen Foster, Div. Commander Gen. Osborn, brig commander & Lieut. Co. Hunt, reg command all present & filled their respective places Wed. 8, On picket post with Dyer & Foster, rained excessive, wrote a letter, no. 2 to wife Thursday 9th, Come off picket Fri. 10, Rainy, said 2 men of 10 Conn. to be shot, Wm. Burns carrying a log of wood & slipping away from fatigue yesterday Saturday 11th, Weather fine, 1 man shot while we was signing pay, signed payroll for three months & 4 days pay or from the time drafted till the 31st of Dec. 1864, amounting to 50 dollars & 13 cents, two months & 11 days coming to me yet Sunday March 12, 1865, Weather fine, I signed an order for Capt. Curtis to draw my pay as I had to go on picket. Recd letter from Mary Jane dated the 3rd inst. saying they were all well & all of the stalk looked well & there was one young lamb & & One post with Thos. Frances & John Shultz, inspection in camp as usual & had general review by U.S. Grant Mon 13th, Regt paid off, I received 50 dollars & 10 cents, it being my wages up to the first day of Jan 1865. Recd letter from Latta Tues. 14th, Weather nice, detailed for police to clean up around headquarters reg. Wm. Parcells of Co.G & Carny of Co.K left for base hospital. Wrote a letter to Mary Jane no.3 Wed. 15th, Monthly inspection, excitement in the 62nd reg O.V.I. about Comd. S. Sanders & many others filling affidavits making Conwell of Ministo agent to locate & obtain certificate under the homestead law of 1862 & amendment of Mar. 21st 1864 giving soldiers a wright, they pay 20$ to agt. in hand. Wm. Sorge returned from home on furlough Thurs 16, Weather warm, battalion drill in the afternoon Fri 17th, St. Patricks day, grand review of 24th A.C. by U.S. Grant, Lieut. Gen. Maj. Gen. Ord, Gibbens & Foster & their subordinates present besides a very large concourse of people, ladies & gentlemen in carriages & on horses & & & & Sat 18, Weather still nice. Recd letter from wife last night saying she had wrote 16, it bears date of 9th & 11 & also says they had just got word that Sary Janes money was ready & they was going to pay Vansickle, also got a letter from Bentey saying he had paid Dennises for coal, 6 cts per bush for 173 bush. Wrote letter to wife, it being the no. 4th & got letter fro L recd., washed blouse & clothes & & Sunday 19th, Wm. Weaver come & brought me a letter from home, having just returned to reg. Last night, being home on furlough, says he left home on Tues. My wife wrote her & Sary Jane was going to pay Vansickle. William & I went to Fort Burnham, formerly Fort Harris, saw the rebels works, which was very strong, said Fort Harris occupied by the 1st Penn battery, good many from Newcastle. Brigade inspection at 3 o'clock p.m. Smoke & fire seen on the east side of camp, various opinions about it Monday 20th, Weather still very fine, skirmish drill & our company drilled by Wm. Ody, corporal. I read speech of Clay Smith of KY, delivered in Congress Jan 12th, 1865, sent to me by wife in letter. Detailed sharp shooter battalion drill p.m. by Sarg Maj Tues. 21, Heavy marching orders, all packed with four days rations, called out in line & stacked arms, took in arms & covered tent, rained all p.m. & continued at night. Wrote & mailed letter S.A. Dew. Tuesday night raining hard, partner on picket read all my letters, had 14 from wife & daughter & some 10 from others, burned up said 10, cunted them from home & had 14 my wife wrote, they had sent 16 & I had recd 2 after that which would leave 4 short that I did not receive. Wrote letter to wife at night, hard rain in the night Wed. 22, Morning clear & pleasant, mailed letter home no.5, had battalion drill by Capt. Hunt in afternoon Thurs 23rd, Detailed for picket, several boys clum trees, said they could see Richmond & the James River & a great deal of the rebs camp & works 24th, Come off picket & my bunk mate was on fatigue & they sent my blanket of yesterday Saturday the 25th of March 1865, Weather cool, went out to drill & was called in & ordered & got ready for heavy march & stacked arms & waited a while & took arms & covered tents. Wrote letter to J. Latta in afternoon Sunday 26th, Detailed for extra pickets to relieve troops on our left that relieved the 3 brigade as they left, the boys on line traded papers & tobacco & with the rebel pickets, we went on at 9 o'clock in the morning and was relieved at 9 in the evening & come to camp & recd letter from N.P. Duffy and also one from wife bearing date 18th inst. Saying she had wrote 18 & also said Ogle had paid S.J. money on the 15th inst. & said they was to T.A. Vansickle & he did not need his money Monday March 27th, 1865, Weather clear & cool & we are expecting to move. My time half in today. Wrote a letter to wife no. 6 & a line in it to J. & L. Reed. Burned 17 letters that I had recd from home since I left there, keeping them all till my time was half in. Packed up everything & the whole division left camp between sundown & dark, crossed Appomattox River at day light & in the morning seen some houses & fencing & peach trees in bloom, took breakfast about two miles from the river on the 28th & then marched on by Gen. Meads headquarters, which was in a dwelling house. Seen 3 girls there, whent out to the left 2 or 3 miles & camped for the night Wed. 29th, Called in line before day & marched to front at breastworks & relieved thw 2nd corps to go to N.C. & we wint in to their quarters & riged them up same day & pickets detailed & Sheridan left. Wrote letter to wife no. 7. George Potter & D. Kinders come to my qr., fighting on our right & left in the evening, hard rain at night Thurs 30, Still raining, Williams on picket since last night, fight last night thought to be at Petersburg, detailed for picket, on picket, very rainy, hard fighting on our left, front said to be Sheridan's forces, 3 charges made p.m., skirmishing along our lines, hard fight way off to the right at night from report of cannon, our picket line strengthened Friday March 31st, 1865, Come off picket, great excitement, hard fighting on our left, firing all along picket line, laide at breastworks all day, various reports it is said Sherman & our forces are advancing & successful April 1865Sat 1, Still firing on picket line, detailed for picket, I heard charge made before day when in bed, the weather fine, fried fresh beef for dinner, a man in the 39th Ill. Reg. fell & died in 2 minutes while skirmishing, thought to be of excitement as there could be no wound or mark found. It is now almost sun set, the picket firing continues & the rebs is shelling our men on the left, I have seen some dozen shells burst close in a open field, heavy cannonading way off on the left Sunday April 2nd, 1865, Fighting all along the line last night, at about three o'clock this morning the 6th & 9th corps broke the enemy line on our right & the 6th took the left flank & the ninth & our brigade took the right & it is said made a clean sweep of the enemy's works. It is now afternoon & we still hear the cannon on the right & we are not relieved from picket yet since yesterday morning. Well there has been one continual roar of musketry & cannon in hearing ever since we landed here & last night it was terrible. 3 o'clock ordered to regiment, left clothes & knapsack all in camp, only what I had on, come to reg. at sundown, in camp for night, they had took all the main works & many prisoners & artilery. Williams had a letter for me from home. Our regiment lost upwards of 60. We camped in the field at night, we was detailed for fatigue, went out to a fine residnce where Gen. Ord had his headquarters & then back to front & throwed up some breastworks Monday 3, Our forces made charges on several forts about day & found they were evacuated & we took up march toward Linchburgh at noon, there weas a great many troops passed us, the 2nd, the 5th, 6 & part of 25th & Gen. Grant, Gen. Ord, Gen. Wetsel & many others & said Richmond had fallen. We camped in the woods at night, very pleasant situation, I took unwell in the, could not eat breakfast Tues. 4th, Have been ready to march some time, but are delaying for what I know not. Rested and took dinner at Fords Station, passed through some very nice county. Very sick in the p.m., but Dr. Combs refused to excuse me, camped in an open field on the right of road Wed. 5th, Took up march on same road, passed through some splendid country along the S.A.R.R. & by some captured cars, some meat, molasses, potatoes, turnips, onions & & & took dinner near the rail RR where the had been a fight some time ago, as the trees & telegraph posts were shivered bad. Marched out in wheat field 3 o'clock & resting, fine house & situation just across the RR to our left & chimney standing, house burned close by. We passed by a house this a.m. where there was 3 little white headed boys, looked as though they had suffered for something to eat, our boys throwed some crackers in the yard & they grab them as though they were gold, they reminded me of my own lads, I wondered if the would ever be in like condition. The reflection brought tears in my eyes, the boys is gathering chickens & good many negroes coming to our lines. Passed by Otoway Courthouse at 5 o'clock, camped about ten o'clock in sight of Berksville Station RR Junction Thurs. 6th, Moved [?] mile in the woods & pitched tents 2 hrs & had orders to strike tents immediately, come in front between 4 & 5 o'clock, where there was fighting, I seen 5 or 6 that was wounded & killed, some says Col. West of the 62nd was wounded or killed, we were first posted in the field & then we was moved across the road to the right & laid in line all night Fri. 7th, Took up march, passed where they were posted & went down to a creek where they had left burned wagons & casions & nearly everything. We met the cavalry there, come up on the next hill where some cavalry was counded & went on the front at the next hill & deployed to the left & charged down through thicket of pine to the creek, the bridge was burned & one man in Co.G was wounded in the thigh & then followed them on over the ridge, passed through Palmersville about 1 o'clock, stopped close by on the hill & took dinner. Just to the left of where there was another bridge burned, the boys taking chickens, calves, pigs, sheep, bacon & & & Heavy fighting on our right, camped for night, detailed for picket, stood in swamp on right of RR Sat. 8th, Come to camp, all our troops had moved, I overtook 10 o'clock, 12 I passed a large meeting house to the right, it was a frame, New Prospect Station. The 5 corps come in on road to left, passed Walkers Church, which was a large brick about an hour by sun, pass a great many dead horses, marched till pretty near midnight & camped in a thicket near the RR. Heard Sheridan had captured a general, 1000 men, 30 pieces of artillery & 14 supply trains Sun. 9th, Took up march & crossed the RR at daylight, went out to where Sheridan had headquarters, took breakfast & went right in the field of battle, our brigade made a charge through a thicket & the enemy fell back until they had a cross fire on us & the 199 & 67 fell back in the field & rallyed & the rebels gave way & we pursued them clear through the woods & a field or two & into another woods & while there the word came Lee had surrendered. After cheering lustily, marched out in the road & waited further orders. 1 o'clock ordered to camp in an open field, various rumors, it is said from 27,000 to 60,000 surrendered. Butchering beeves jus in the rear of our camp Mon. 10, Raining, butchering beeves in front of camp. It is said our forces has gone to receive the prisoners & Grant & Lee is negotiating. Grant moved his headquarters to the little town, I do not know the name, it is said to be at the Appomattox C.H. At night hear the cars whisstling, supposed to by our trains coming up, the 39 reg Ill gone to guard prisoners Tuesday, April the 11th, 1865, Still camped in field, the weather dreary, the country present a fine appearance to what it did back 20 or 30 mile, it was mountainous there, this is Appomattox County & within two mile of Appomattox Station where the rebs lays in main force. Williams & I walked over to the picket line next to the Appomattox C.H. Saw the trains & officers of Lees that was being exchanged & a good rebel prisoners. They say there is 40 thousand & only 10 thousand arms as they throwed them away & they say Lee, Hill, Gorden & others are there in person. I talked to several, they think they are rewined (?) I saw 3 brothers, North Carolinians & one of them was badly wounded, they was in an old house on the widow Tibs' farm, which was a splendid situation close by the C.H. We could see the camp where the forces was in that had surrendered. Seen some 34 pieces of artillery pass our camp & said there was 54 in all, some 10 or 15 of them was burned & some spiked & a good of the carriages injured by the spokes being chopped. 2 Oclock, orders to march in the morning at 4 o'clock Wed. 12, Routed up and ordered to get ready to march, orders countermanded. Williams, G.W. Bryan & I went up to the town, seen many rebel officers & prisoners that had been exchanged, they were going home. We stopped a while in front of C.H. & also in front of Glovers Hotel, some of the 62nd O that was taken prisoner & also the 123rd O that was taken a Sunday & was paroled left today, it is said for Anapolis M.D., it thought by some they will go to O & be mustered out before long. Rations short, I bought a ten dollar confederate bill for 25 cts. It is thought we will go to Linchburgh tomorrow. Bryan, Williams & I walked out in the evening to the waggon trains, got some corn to parch on Coalman Farm, where we made a charge & was under gauling cross fire of artillery & from which the enemy retreated back to their main force at Glovers Hill where they surrendered on the 9 inst. Thursday 13th, Heavy rain during night, very muddy, rations not come yet, all crying hardtack & wishing to move. Spent most of the day in walking around, G.W. Bryan went to battle ground & Courthouse & & & Friday, April 14, 1865, Sun comes up clear & nice, our rations not arrived yet, nothing but parched corn for breakfast, it is said our forragers went out ten mile yesterday & could get nothing. Drawed rations at 11o'clock, inspection at 1 o'clock, dress parade at 5 o'clock Sat. 15th, Raining hard all a.m., at 4 o'clock ordered to move immediately, moved south 1 mile across the Linchburgh road & camped, I was detailed for picket & excused & then detailed brigade guard, at 10 o'clock while on post there was an order come to adjutant to detail 400 men to relieve the 10th western V.A. that was guarding supply traiin & the 39th Ill. Reg was detailed also, while I was on post the mail come to headquartrs & also was a fellow passed & said there was a telegram come to Gen. Gibbens saying the president was shot at a theatre in Washington & Seward & son was killed at there own house Sunday the 16th, The sun comes up clear & nice, high wind in the afterpart of the night. Received letter from wife & Mary Jane no. 22, bearing date April 1st & wrote an answer & posted it no. 8. Drawed one days rations, expect to move, at sundown the band played in front of headqtrs and about 50 darkies gathered round & danced, relieved from guard at dark Mon. 17th, Sun rises clear, packed up to move, the forest generally hickery & oak looks like Ohio, 9 o'clock left Glover Hill, traveled through some rough country, stoped to the right of the road between that & RR & took dinner, took up march for Farmville, passed Pamplin Station before sun down & went on till dark & camped in a field on right of road near Prospect Station, the dogwood & huckleberry bushes in full bloom Tues. 18th, Took up march at daylight, passed Prospect at 7 o, seen several cars loaded, arrived at Farmville at 12 o, marched through town with band playing, pass the 39 Ill. reg & 62 Ohio & a great many troops & artillery & & stopped just below town, took dinner, drawed 2 days rations, took up march cross Appomattox River at high bridge where the enemy made a stand on the 7th as we went out the bridge as a couple spans of it was burned & made useless by the rebs, moved up on the hill & stopped, we think for the night or at least they are butchering beef. The country rough & mountainous Wed. 19th, Took up march at 6 o for Burksville 15 mile station, passed Lima station near where the rebels made a stand on both sides, was strongly fortified, on the evening of the 6th & morning of the 7th, passed the 62th O & many troops & trains on the hill before we crossed the stream & also passed camp some 3 miles from station where the 2nd corps & many others were camped, arrived at Junction about one o'clock, heard the President death confirmed & that he was to be buried today. Got letter from wife date the 8th & no. 22 saying they had paid T.A. Vansickle & he was sick & had been for some time, they had heard Richmond had fallen. They had not heard from Eli Dew for six weeks or more. We camped in the edge of a pine grove about a mile east of station near 2 o'clock. Wrote letter to wife no. 9. We hear the cars tooting, there is one or two splendid buildings at station Thurs. 20th, Looks like rain, put up tents, met with a man while washing at stream by the name of Edward Ketcham, a commissary Sargeant of the 67th reg O, lived in, says his fathers name Andrew & his grandfather name was Nathaniel of Orange Co. N.J., towel stole by Cox sta, went to sutlers at station with John Watkins, give 50 cts for pie & 50 cets for 10 small sweet cakes, took a walk alone east of camp, way over on the other hill to farm, saw very nice wheat field Friday 21st, Went to station with Williams, paid 25 cts for 3 apples & 25 cts for a small bit of rotten cheese, ordered to clean cuns [guns?], drawed whisky Sat. 22nd, Packed & took up march at 5 o'clock a.m., passed through some good country, passed by Jetterville Station on the Richmond & Danville RR, near 100 mile from Danville & 42 from Richmond, stopped just on the hill after crossing stream to left of road between that RR & took diner & then moved forward 100 yds & camped, had cup taken & fund it on Corp Davison haversack, it is said several died today from hard marching Sunday 23, Morning clear & pleasant, took mar at 5 o'clock, passed five forks at 6, Amealia C.H. at 7, the C.H. on left of road & church, tobacconess & a large hotel on the right & a great amt of ammunition, caisons, artillery, carriage, shells & & Crossed the Appomattox River on pontoons just below butments of old bridge on Dr. Southall farm at 11 o, traveled through fine country, good assortment of timber, put up for night on left of road after crossing swift creek Monday 24th of April, 1865, Took up march at sun an hour high for Richmond, said to be 14 mile, day fine, passed broad rock, passed some of the rebs straw works, come in sight of some steeples of the city, camped for dinner, strict orders & guard prohibiting any from leaving camp, hear report of cannon every hour, about 2 miles to city Tues. 25, Morning nice, got a letter from wife dated 15th no.23 stating peace was declared, had 14 lambs. Making ready to be received by 3rd Div. In honors of campaign, it the city wrote letter to wife, took up march at 10 o'clock, passed through Manchester & Richmond with band playing & arms to shoulder. Received by 3rd D. It is said it took the procession 1 « hours to pass a given point, camped in an open field 2 or 3 miles N.E. of city, went to large fort to get boards for bunk, very tired & lame, Williams sick, Sutlers tent put up, convolescent com to reg & Wed. 26, Clear & pleasant, took walk N to forts, seen very large guns, wrote a line to wife & put in letter no.10 and mailed it, drawed 2 days rations, went to the city of Richmond with Fred Arnholt, Chas. Nicholas, went by way of infirmary, through 2 st & thence through main visitor square out by theatre to market to broad to Tibly Prison & round to left to market st out to camp by way of RR, bought fresh milk, soft bread, cakes, apples & & & Thurs. 27th, Detailed on fatigue all day to put up tents at reg headquarters. Williams still poorly with diarhea, some boys of reg & co got passes to go to city Friday, April 28th, 1865, Weather warm, went for brush to shade tent, went r at Cliffe farm for milk, failed to get it, talked a whiile with his son, a paroled soldier belonged to a Richmond battery, he thought the war was about over. Dress parade in evening, announcement of the surrender of Johnson & all the Confederate troops east of the Mis river and congratulations speech by Col. A.C. Vorhes Sat. 29th, Looks like rain, guard mount & washed clothes, a piece at a time, failed to get blouse dry in consequence of rain, slept without it & & & Sunday, April 30th/65, Morning pleasant, order for inspection at 9 o'clock & muster half past 9. Williams & I walked out after muster & saw 10 or 15 little colored boys drilling some 15 or 20 at boys & girls at one house. Laid down in shade of oak tree & took a sleep May 1865Mon. May the 1st, 1865, Hard rain during night, Richmond Times give an account of order to reduce the forces & expenses, went for shade tree & saw a field of corn up so as you could see it all along the roe. J. Watkins come to co. He was absent since we left Burksville, made visit to 62nd reg Tuesday May 2nd, 1865, Detailed for fatigue to dig sink a.m., order recd at dress parade giving furlough to 10 per cent of officers & 4 per cent soldiers Wed. 3rd, Weather clear & cool, mornings our camp fixed in good order with shrrbery Thurs. 4, Weather warm, expecting to move, applied for a furlough, left camp at 3 o'clock, took the Gordonsville road, passed through some fine country some 8 or 10 miles, camps for night at the RR leading from Richmond to Fredericksburg on Hanover Junction Friday 5th of May 1865, Morning raining hard, took up march early, continued rain all a.m., very sloppy, passed quite a large river about 10 o'clock, passed fie brick church left of road called Mount Olivet Church, stopped for diner to left of road in an old slashing, the country rough, cleared off & very warm p.m., marched hard, a man in Co.C fell very sick, crossed little river & camped for night, said to be 5 mile to Beaver Dam, at I got napsack ha-- I was nearly give out Sat. 6th, Took up march as usual, soon passed a brick building on left of road called Trinity Church, went near Beaver Station & camped in woods by Rail R. Drawed 2 days rations at noon, when cars come up & move short distace east in a grove that was fenced, the station was said to fired 2 years ago by Stoneman, it has been a fine brick building & 2 dwellings, nearby Hanover County Va Central RR the Engine Westward Ho, with a train attached run off the track opposite our camp about 8 o'clock. Camp on Dr. Hatches farm about 1 mile north of Dr. Thompsons, a brother of Gallant Thompson of 4th Va cavalry, as I learned from one of Thompsons own colored servants this evening which is Sunday May the 7th, 1865, Dress parade at 5 o'clock, quite a group of darkies present Mon. 8, Weather nice, company equipments envoiced, got shoe sawed by a man by name of Hall, close by, he was Confederate soldier drafted last Oct, recieved letter from wife & Mary Jane no. 23 & dated April 28th 29 saying there was 26 young lambs. Williams bought 18 eggs & lot of cheese & had quite a feast Tues. the 9th, Detailed for camp guard, wrote letter home no.11, rained while on post at midnight Wed. 10, Relieved at 8 o'clock, bought pie & milk, signed for blouse, Birthday 40 years old Thurs. the 11th of May, 1865, Weather fine, signed rolls for pants drawn in March. Williams returned from Hanover C.H. but failed to see Sherman's troops, only the trains, as they had not arrived as was announced in the Richmond Whig of yesterday, however the 38th reg of Ohio was guarding train, Albert Gates got a pass for him & I to go to Richmond & we left on train past 3 o'clock, pasd Hanover Junction in 13 mile, pass the C.H. in 5 mile further, pass a lot of troops soon after leaving C.H. of 14 & 20 Corps, arrived at Richmond at dark, went to pontoon bridge & it look as though it would rain hard, we went & put up in the upper part of th market house when the T.A. was posted for guard duty, there was a rebel Capt. Of Co.I, 23 Va Cav that occupied the seat in car with me from Beaver Dam that said he was at Martinsburg when our troops left it last July the 4th, his co searched the buildings for arms & they lived fat of our boys feasts Friday May 12th, 1865, Hard rain during night, got warm biscuit for breakfast & went to pontoons to meet troops, saw a steer swim the river after making an effort to go out on the same side. The troops passed through in the following order
Saw Jas. Dorris & went a peace with him, let him have one dollar, saw Eli Dew, went clear through town with him & let him have 75 cts, looked for G.W. Hutchison in the 18th reg & Co.C of Mo, but he was said to be with the corps train of the 17th corps under arrest for cowardice, I then visited the square over town principally & went down near the market house, took dinner & went out to old camp & the boys of the brigade, Roberts said his brother Wm & many more of the 31 Ohio had been there the day before & Sander of Co.H had gone home on furlough on Sunday morning, went back & put with G. Alderman & the rest of boys of brigade on detached duty to stay all night, went to Theatre with Albert Gates by request & he paid for our tickets, went back & stayed with Alderman. Theatre was on Main St. above the Ballard Exchange Hotel, bought biscuit at 25 cts per dozen, bread at 10 cts a loaf, saw vegetation in market such as strawberry, onions, peas, & & & & Saturday, May 13th, 1865, Got up early, went down near station, got breakfast at an eating for me & Gates, paid 1.20 cts, went up to train, found the sick of our there being shipped, they had come down the night before, John Valentine, Thos Frances, Jos Obrine, S.J. Varney, John Snell, Laurence Teaven of our co & Capt Curtis was there & went up with us, when we got to Beaver Dam the reg had left the day before & went to Louisa C.H., we went right on the cars & got there nearly as soon as the reg. Co. K is at Hanover St., D & H & Co at Beaver Dam, Co. C at Hanover Junction & got letter from wife stated F. Henry was dead & wrote one in answer to it, quite sick in the evening Sunday, May 14th, 1865, Sun rises clear, my health improved. A good many cavalry leaving that has been here since we come, a report that a citizen shot one a couple days ago. Co. Inspection ordered at 9 o'clock, give negro bread for money, evening went Butlers spring for water, near a negro shanty where many young negroes gathered dancing & playing, stopped a while & saw their movements & was mutch surprised to see many our our men lurking round & mixing in conversation with manifesting as more was intended. Had some conversation with Butler in reg & to existing matters, detailed for picket on road Monday, May 15th, 1865, Come off picket at daylight to camp, soon got breakfast, walked to edge of camp, set down by oak tree to note day of month. A woman passed with jar of milk to trade for bread for her children, got crackers, which she was mutch pleased with, took walk to C.H. at night, p.m. went to Dr. Beal, a little south of camp & bought a pr of socks for 40 cts, 1 qt of sweet milk for 10 & 1 canteen of buttermilk for 5, reg drawed mutton Tues. 16th, Weather fine, washed drawers, shirt & towel. Country good, fine building about C.H., mostly brick, 1 Disciple church, 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, no rations, it is said car run of track Wed. 17th, Morning fine & warm, went over to Dr. Beadles, got some Ho cake for breakfast, wrote letter to S. Bost & one to G.W. Hutcheson, he belongs to the 18th reg of Mo, 3D 17 A.C., poisoned washed with on going to bed. Williams & Ody went off 4 or 5 mile north east for something to eat, found ripe cherries, see several suspicious looking men, thought they were some of Mosbys men Thurs. 18, Took walk alone east to apple tree, bathed, poisend places with salt & lard & rested some time, drawed one shirt Friday, May 19th, 1865, Morning foggy & rainy, took a ride on handcar, very heavy rain in afternoon, just after inspection, detailed for picket at night Sat 20, Come of picket at daylight, got some sugar of lead of Dr., was at Mrs. Huston & had long talk, she said her husband worked on RR, was a brick mason, it rained hard, got letter from wife dated May 13th saying Sanders was at home, he had got ox yoke, had not heard from G. Tinker since he left. Sary Jane & granny was down about the death of Frank, commenced to write letter to wife, had to stop for rain, which was hard, went to Hustons to get some eggs in evening, but failed to get them Sunday, May 21st, 1865, Morning warm, had inspection at 9 o'clock, went to church, large train went up by camp, had very hard rain about 3 o'clock p.m., there has only been 4 cos here for some days, Co.A, Co.I, Co.F & Co.G Mon. 22, Morning warm & hazey, gave pants, shirt & drawers to darkie to wash, went to run east of camp & washed all over and washed towel & socks. Traded pork for cooked chicken & trades cake for eggs & & & had very hard thunder & lightning last night, finished letter & sent it to wife, enclosed 20$ of rebel money, detailed for fatigue in p.m. to cut poles for bunks Tuesday, May 23, 1865, Drawed order on sutler for 1.00, detailed for guard, sent to C.H. ten o'clock & no train yet, it failed to come yesterday with rations in consequence of portion of RR being washed away between here & Richmond, however, there was a train passed up at daybreak for what purpose I know not, stood on post at prison div, a group of cavalry come from Stanton, camped close to us, some left for Richmond, rations come in time for supper, made one ring for little finger, stood from 2 till 4 o'clock before day in front of gen qr, a large frame on N. Side of st. Wed. 24, Made ring while on post, relieved at 8 o'clock Thursday, 25 of May, 1865, On guard at C.H., same post, bought pie of Jew woman. Train arrived a little after noon with bread, seen notice in paper of $5,000,000 offered for release of Jeff Davis & female attire he was captured in, signed by Jerry Sanders, also the review at Washington was to beg'n Monday, it was on 23 & 4 Friday 26, Heavy rain in after part of night, still raining. Col. Fint & Qr M have got out, but are found looking to be relieve. Co.E arrived from Beaver Dam, went Hustons, got supper & traded rings with Mary Frances, continued to rain, went to barn to sleep, raining hard all night Sat. 27th, Continues rainy & cold, 8 monthys of my time in today, read acct of review of the army in Washington on 23 & 24, no rations, three or 4 trains went toward Richmond Sunday, May 28, Detailed for camp guard, weather fine, Reg. inspection at 10 o'clock, no rations yet. Williams & I went after cherrys to Butlers & above the C.H. got very nice big yellow cherrys, got crackers & cakes of sutler for breakfast, drawed 1 day rations, breat & 3 of pork, beens, sugar, coffee & & & Monday 29th, Relieved off guard at 8 o'clock. Wm Burns of Co.G & Geo Thornton of Co.F & one more left their Cos, thought for Richmond to be courtmartialed. Received letter from wife dated 20th stating they had cane & potatoes & & planted, but the sheep not shorn. J.W. Steward was home. Also got a letter from David B. Bost dated May 23 saying Samuel was taken prisoner on the raid in S.C., paroled & was at home Tues. 30th, Weather fine & clear, wrote letter to wife, enclosed a 20 dollar bill, two dollar bill & a one dollar bill of confedrate scrip, made small ring Wed. 31, Detailed & on guard, signed clothing roll for shirt, drawed 5 days ration of bread & meat & 10 days of other stuff, got letter of J.W. Hutcheson dated May 25 saying he was well & got 12.00$ for going as a substitute & had served 3 years before in the service & when I was looking for him he was with head qr teams, had been sick with jaundice & his mother & family was well the 25 of April when he heard last, his father Hiram & Warren was in the 43rd reg of Mo Vol & well when last heard from & that he (John) was married, had lost a boy named Andrew Jackson, died at the age of 3 months, had a girl born since he left home, his wife maiden name was Matilda Jane Chastain. Cynthia Hutcheson is married Bowdewine Vansickle, was doing well, he had married twice since his first wife died. Andrew V. Married his wife cousin. Perry V was dead. Post office address in service J.W. Hutcheson, Co.C, 18 reg Mo. VVI, 1 Brig. 1 Div 17 A.C, P.O. at home Lamanes Station, Nodaway Co., Mo He said Al Hile was well last fall when he was there. Mary Jane was married Peter Vansickle, made 15.00$ clear on 40 acres rented with 2 horses, Keturahan has 120 acres, 80 improved, live agreeable (This day weighed 175) June 1865Thursday, June 1st, 1865, Relived off guard at 8 o'clock, suffered mutch with pain in side & breast. Thanksgiving day, commemoration of the death of President Lincoln, election or convention at Louisa C.H., committee set to establish uniform pric for labor, which was 5$ per month. I & C Fuller went west of C.H. to where there was 9 graves of Cavelry confederate soldiers & then went got cherrys & & Friday 2nd, Weather warm, washed all my clothes Sat. 3, Hard thunder, lightning & rain in night. Sassafras bush struck N of camp in graveyard on Butlers place, on fatigue, Capt. Keath on Sunday, June the 4th/65, Weather warm, I applyed for medicine for pain in side & breast, was excused from duty, went to headqr, talked with Gen. Voris in regard to executing power of Atty & also regards to order to discharging the men of this command. Read acct of the western troops of Shermans army taking transportation on the Baltimore & Ohio RR for their respective states on the Thursday the 1st inst. Mon. 5, Very warm, 20 cavalry left for home, orders come to Co. Commander to have the books compiled for settlement, seen 2 small colored boys fight very hard Tues. Jue 6th, 1865, Looks like rain, on camp guard, Col. Voris gone to Richmond since yesterday morning, he returned tonight, said orders come to muster out those whose time expire 10 Wed. 7th, Morning foggy & dark, Gen. Gone to Charlottes ville with 4 days forage for horses, I signed clothing book Thurs. 8th, Morning warm, went with C. Fuller for cherrys, shower of rain in afternoon Fri. 9th, Very warm, fixed shirt collar & ristband, recd letter from wife dated May 26th & June 3rd stating she had got sheep washed & a big meeting command that day, the boys got their mone Saturday, June the 10th, On guard at C.H., wrote letters home, lot of darkies danced in the C.H. yard Sunday 11th, Relieved at 8, went to run with J. F. Dundon, washed towell, socks & had co inspection, went to church at night in Co. with G.W. Bryan & others, heard sermon preached from the text If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily & follow me. Night pleasant Mon 12th, Morning foggy & cloudy, sutler ambulences & & & left for Richmond, was ordered & come back in the evening, reg ordered to get for parade with guns & equipment in good order, Col. Hunt ordered them massed & Gen. A.C. Voris appeared on horseback & made a very appropriate & patriotic speech as a farewell address, after which had roll & orders to be ready to move at 6 o'clock in the morning Tues. 13, Morning cloudy, hard thunder & lightning during the night, bugle call at daybreak, got up, packed up & got breakfast. Our co detailed for fatigue to go to station to load up the cars with stuff to be transported, had passenger car reserved for us run to Tolerville in front of locomotive & then run on switch & changed to rear at which place the marks of Sheridan was visible by the ground being pitted with doubled railing & pieces of burnt ties for miles clear past Frederick Hall where Co.C had been stationed, but was ready with their car loaded & ready to hook on & go along, passed bunker st, come to Beaver Dam & Co.D was ready & hooked & then passed --- st & went to Hanover Jc where the Fredericksburg RR joined & there a part of Co.K got on, went to Hanover C.H. & balance of K, H & B hooked on, crossed SA river, where there had been light artillery destroyed & forts to defend bridge, the people harvesting busy & good many fields all cut, the boys pickes blackberrys & huckleberrys at every stopping place nearly, as the train starts very slow being heavy loaded with 16 or 17 cars attched. Raining, landed about 4 o'clock and camped on the same ground we left the 4th of May, very wet & disagreeable to put up tents, went down to62nd & seen Sanders & others, he said he seen my girl at the funeral of D. Corder. The review of the 24 corps was going off, that had been postponed from the 10th, heard 13 guns fired as salute, is thought the 62nd will be --- to --- Wednesday, June the 14th, Morning very warm, fixing tent & & & p.m. Presentation of sword, sash & belt by officers & men of the reg to gen A.C. Voris & some very appropriate & interesting remarks by the donors through Dr. Westfall of the brig. & also in return on the part of the recipient by himself, A.C. Voris Thurs. 15, Hard rain last night, went down to the 62nd, they had inspection yesterday & over 200 of 116 reg O.V.I. arrived to be consolidated, also the 199 P.A. had inspection & the 39 Ill, heard today all looking to be mustered of those whose time expired before 1st of Oct. Isaac Williams sent to hospital while I was gone, orderly ser. of our Co made out a list of the No of men whose time expires in Co before Oct Fri. the 16th, One guard before Col. quarters Ohio, S. Rice come to the co Sat. 17, Got letter from wife saying the sheep was sheared, but the wool was not divided as Moore had not come & the wheat would soon to to cut, letter bore date of June the 10th, also said they had no letter from me that mail, sergt making out rolls, wrote letter to wife Sunday, June the 18th, 1865, Co. inspection at 9 o'clock a.m., we are looking every day to be mustered out, all whose time expires before the 1st Oct. Some 19 or 20 of 39th Ill reg went up to headqrs this morning & also last night & they failed to be mustered. G. Kalb & I went to big springs by fort, come back by Brig. Headqrs, old Rhearce detailed for carpenter Monday, the 19th, Morning very warm, J. Kalb went home on furlough, Review by Gen. Terry at 2 o'clock, did not go out on review until about 4 o'clock, went south of camp « mile to grass lot where Division form had 13 reports from a battery regulars on reception of Gen, our reg formed on right, 62nd next & & & the gen pass in front & rear & then the troops passed in review, our co orderly made out the muster out rolls for six of the company whose time expires before Oct 1 Albert Gates, my own Samuel Reed, N. Rhors, Whitcomes, John Mcewen, rain in the evening Tues. 20th, Sergt filling out discharge & & & it said the mustering officer is to inspect books p.m., he is here inspecting, very hard rain about sundown, good many at Co.G drinking cutting highjack Wednesday, June 21st, 1865, Our muster out rolls takes effect from this day, morning cool & some cloudy, mustered just after the 39th Ill was, our co received their discharges about 2 o'clock, mustering officer Capt. Sawyer went right down & mustered out detachments out of 62nd O, the most of them went to Fortress Monroe for pay & 3 cos of our reg goes, our Co to be paid at Richmond, Co.A, D & I goes to Fortress Monroe for pay, a good of them & also of the 62nd goes as far as Richmond tonight, the rest goes in the morning Thursday, June 22nd, Morning haizy & foggy. Albert Gates, Samuel Reed, John Mcewen, Henry Whitkemper, Rharse & myself all went to Richmond to draw our pay, as we composed the squad mustered out of our Co under general order 94, but was not paid as the rolls was not in the paymaster Dept. yet, so Gates & I went to the Capital square, to the market dock & in fact nearly all over town, the day very warm, the prisoners sent to Castle, thunder in the p.m., drawed 5 days rations of sugar & coffee & 2 of hard bread Friday, June 23rd, Went to Richmond early in the day to see if we could draw our pay, but pay rolls had not got to that department, I traveled around through town considerable & went through Shockae berying ground, went in at the 3rd st gate, next went to spot where they was burying a baby from Baltimore & brought her there to bury her with her relatives, after going through several apartments we come out at 2nd st gate in co with a mem of B Saturday, June 24, Morning clear & warm, got letter from wife last night after I went to bed, bearing date of 17th, saying they were looking for me home & they had got no letters for the two last mails & Moore had been & divided the wool & & & went to Richmond, went nearly all through the town & way down the dock & back through the C square & away back around the Shockoe grave yard & in front of infirmary now used for hospital, heard we would be paid Monday, our blankets returned in the evening & our reg nearly all on fatigue at river loading government stuff Sunday, June 25, 1865, Very warm, inspection our regimental camp & garrison equipage, clothing, blankets & & returned to the reg yesterday, the reg expecting to move back on the Va C. RR. I expect to be paid tomorrow, washed all my clothes, yesterdayI seen good dress coats sell from 50 cts to two dollars Monday, 26th, Morning rainy, went to town to get pay, but was put off until tomorrow, come back around through the NW end of town, the reg puting up big A tents, rumors that the 24 A.C. is to be mustered out, those of the 39th Ill that had been mustered out received their pay, very hard rain in the evening, it is said the reg is to move back on the Va C RR tomorrow morning. C. Straight & Jasper Truase come to my tent in the evening Tues. the 27th, Morning clear & pleasant, the reg packing up to move & also those going home goes to Richmond to get our pay, we leave the reg all ready packed for moving. We arrived at Richmond at 7 o'clock, I took a walk NW by Strotswood hotel & received our pay at 10 o'clock. I got $110.45, went down to steamboat landing with Gates & Reed, seen the steamer Fannie, C.W. Thomas & several other boats, got a dish of ice cream, a cake & a piece & paid 1.25 & come back up in town, where we left our bundles in the morning. 5 of our co got pay & Co.C had to go to Fortress Monroe & also Co.K. J. Watkins got very drunk, I kept his discharge for him, stayed all night at John Miller on corner of broad & second st Wed. June the 28th/65, Went board the Thos. Colyier at 6 o'clock, seen J.F. Stover returning from Fortress Monroe, passed Fort Darling, saw the wreck of the Jamestown just below in the obstructions & some others wrecked. Passed Dutch Gap & a lookout on the opposite side or south side, stoped at city point, changed a lot of freight & also the U.S.M. which followed right in our rear all the way down, stoped at Wilsons Landing & the U.S.M. on city point run up broad side & run so for some distance & then fell back some to real, so while we stoped again she pulled & took the lead, but we overtook & passed her again, they played together right lively for a while. Landed at Norfolk at 3 o'clock, went board the Webster & in about an hour we started for Fortress Monroe. The George Leary passed us on our way to FM, she appears to be a fast runner, we landed at FM, went to office of PM, got our discharges stamped & could not get on board again. The Capt. said had to heavy load. We went to the George Leary & got on her & passed the Daniel Webster, in a short time we expect to have to pay our fares, it is said the other boys in the 67th & 62nd is still waiting at F.M. for pay Thurs. June 29th, 1865, Come in sight of Baltimore at daylight, got of boat little after sunrise, got on hack, went Washington depot, paid 40 cts. for riding up, went to tavern got breakfast for 60 cts, got on cars at 9, come out the Really house, bought ticket for Benwood & Columbus, paid 10.60, then Titusville & Huntsville through small tunnel & Mt. Airy. Met several trains with lots of coal & soldiers. Monrovia & Monocacy Junction at the where there is a road goes off to Frederick City 6 miles, St. Charles Hotel & river where the bridges was destroyed, with canal to Harpers Ferry & crossed & to Martinsburgh, which is pretty badly hurt, stoped 20 minutes for dinner, passed where N. Mountain was in large letters on small building, passed through deep cut or rather run in to it & backed out to let a train passed that was heavy loaded with coal, then passed Cherry Run, Hancock & Papaw tunel & some of the greatest places to be called stations ever I saw, run on up to Cumberland & stoped about sun down 20 minutes for supper Friday, June 30th, Some several tunnels run through the mountains, so to little town & Moundstown & & & to Benwod & crossed the river at 8 o'clock & the agent said the western train on the Central Ohio RR had been gone about one hour, so had to wait til 8 o'clock & 45 min for the night train, got breakfast & supper at private house, paid 50 cts per meal Amount of Clothing DrawnNov 10th 1864 Jan 4th 1865 |