William Lyons diary
MLA Citation
Title | William Lyons diary |
Subject | Lyons, William |
Toledo State Hospital (Ohio) | |
Mentally ill -- Ohio -- Toledo | |
Mentally ill -- Care -- Ohio -- Toledo | |
Description | Diary written by William Lyons while a patient at the Toledo State Hospital for the Insane. |
Creator | Lyons, William |
Source | William Lyons diary; MMS-1769; Center for Archival Collections; University Libraries; Bowling Green State University |
Date | 1902 |
Rights | |
Format | Diaries |
application/pdf | |
Language | eng |
Identifier | mms01769_i00001_p00001_p00030 |
mms01769_i00001_p00031_p00060 | |
mms01769_i00001_p00061_p00090 | |
mms01769_i00001_p00091_p00120 | |
mms01769_i00001_p00121_p00144 | |
https://digitalgallery.bgsu.edu/items/show/32580 | |
Is Referenced By | http://maurice.bgsu.edu/record=b2685693~S1 |
Spatial Coverage | Toledo (Ohio) |
Type | Text |
William ____________ Thursday William _____________ Aprial the 4th, 1902 i William ________, penn this note, and too the best of my knowledge and belief is the trouth, it is now nearing the hours of 4 oclock on the after noon of this the 4th day of the month of Aprial, i penn these lines hopeing their perusial by yourself will bee for my benni-fit, and that you will dew me justice i have no fears, we in our ward have just returned from a walk around the asy-lum bouleveard and i feel quite warn out with fatugue, hands swelled quite bad, and leggs akes tired feeling crost the chest streches and mean, don't don't think it is for good too bee used night and day by these people, drawing their poizen by hipnotic influence, but think it is condu-cive, too ones ill health and a fineal eurley death and it savors, of secrete specalation in humman life, which by law is forbiden, and any people practousing it would be crim-minels and amenable too the laws of our country last knight these people hipnotised me too sleep, and while a slepe in a hipnotic state they insulted me by using me in lew of a woman, and gave me three ssamms, caused from an over abun-dance of poizen drawn from these people by hipnotism, and no it has bin going on year in an year out how on earth i live able too stand all this abuse is one of the misterey, i honestly believe they all get money for my horrable mis-use i have no word too add then i will close, this note, i know that if these people can make me draw their poizen by hipnotism and thus live their purson, and thansferring their poizen from their sistum, in two mine why they can use they graand and trees watter and attmansfere the wind will take it away as well as too up more me, and in using me they prove a conspiracy against my life and honor while held in helpless confinement in in this instuhtsion, in this free country, an these people allso prove this is se-cret specalation in humman life, these breath adders are the worst of the lot of these kind of hipnotics for they continuel make one inhale poizen air from every part of their system wit every breath that one draws hopeing that you will read this note and act on it for my bennifit i close with respect Monday May the 19th 1902 too Mr; Dr; Lobey of the Toledo State Hospital, Sir i have reasons in believeing that there is a conspireicy against my life and honor and the life and honor of my famley, by partys connected with this asylum so dedly secret in their acttiones and deturmend in their pur-poses that one can not lay their damable acts on any one purson, but must condem the whole lot of them for their de-turmination too posess thim selfs, in abundance of this worlds goods, by takeing the honor and life, of their fel-low man, and converting it in to manur, through the prosess of extortsion theft and sacrafice and by the use of the wimmen, cvohabeting with man, and in fact, it's the detur-mination of this gang for too use every purson, in this asylum, as long as there is a dollar in their misuse, and too hold them in helpless confinement under the heading of insaneity for that especal purpose, by their low lived lies, too their disstruction and in many casess the dis-truction of their famleys take my case, for an elustration for instance, here i have bin 11 years in confinement in this Asylum for noother reason than that i had a famley qurrel and in a moment of extreem pashion i slapped my wife and knocked her down, for winking at hour famley Doctor something i thought was not just right and took offence then the ring that is conknected with this instution that feeds this great canibal of the state of Ohio, stepped in and i was braught before the probate court and convicted of having too pashunate a temper, and was braught out here too cool off so the judge told me at the time of my conviction, and thus one more was added too the long list of slaves that are incarserated in this asylum too help feed this great cannibal, and, perhaps some of my famley are used in like maner, while i am held here in helpless confinement not able too lift a hand in their defence, or gieve them one dollar for maintenance, gragualy looseing my life, by the abuse that ireceive, continualy from these people, by hipnotism, posessed and practised by these people on every helpless purson in this instutin and on me in particular, though i call it lunitic hipnotism because these partys can use inanimate subjects, as well as anamate sugjects hence the lunacy not content with the use, if myself by hipno-tism, in the too draw their lowlived diseasess and in this way keeping them all healthy in this ward and a good many out siders, they allso feed me adulterated food I have heard from sevural partys and am inclined too its belief that the partys in this instutsion that are hired hire for too protect the honor and health of these pattants, at a fixed sallrey, double their wagges, by outrageing the peo-ple, and charging at the rate of $5,00 for every atempt, they the hired help have atempted it with me from 3 tow 5 times a knight for nearly 2 years, but i circumvented them all i possably could, from the actual outrage by tyeing my head up with a double hankerchief as long as my breath would permit and when i could not stand this nowlonger i begain too barkade my door after i was locked in my room at knight, so I could not besurprised in my sleep and out-raged, whiy i would not have so vile an act happen too my-self for the price of this asylum converted intoo gold money and paid on the spot; and alow them too make an at-tempt, and i think that all of the partys eather men orwimmen connected with this gang of knight prowlers that commit shuch horrable crimes for a living, and toomake choyce members of the gang rich by their low lived crimes, ought too bee prossicuted or convicted and if found guilty, hung and in this all honest people are of my opinion about my being kept in the ward under lock and key is something i can not understand, i hav allways behaved my self never breaking any of their rools never commiting any crimes of any kind, dew the bigest part of the work about the ward and have prooved in a general way that the confinement in with, these patants was inguring my health and breedig a disease that cannot be cured, and in a little while will become cronic, that if i had more liberty such a thing could not happen, and yet with every thing pointing towards my distruction, by the aforesaid conspireing gang of black leggs, i can not gett the small favor, of a prvlage of the grounds too keep me away part of the time from the people, so that my health would bee restoried, and i could gain my liberty in consequence it is probley because im not a cath-loic and on that acount why i have bin so horrably abused, it has made me quite suspisious of your self, though purhapps you are not all to blaime, i have passed 11 years of my life in this instutsion, and in the long years of confinement, thare has not bin one moment, of perfect safty for my self as reguards my life or honor, or for the life or honor of any one that tried too take my part, against this organization of low lived crimnials i believe i am at the presant time in the U.S. of America and in one of her state instutsions, for the insane, and iam not insane, where people are braught too bee cured of some kind of dis-eases and i am getting diseases Through my whole system, where people are brought sometimes for law breaking under the heding of insainity, and i have not broke the law in any way, but stick strictly too the laws dissisions as i am a law abideing citican, and wonte bee a law breaker about this idea of people beeing insaine for what they think or for what they say, is out of reason for new thoughts and new idieas are every persons rights, in this country and their the advancement, of siance in every way, its for that right that our fore fathers emigrated too this country, and founded a new home, for their rights of opinions, and i aze one of their decendance, don't think i am craisey for hav-ing idias that were benificial for me and for every one elce that uses them, and have made money by them while i have bin held in helpless confinement, and some of these slave holding boodlers receieved praise and money for what i knew or for my knowladge, now i wish my discharge from a place, where every moment of the time i have passed as one of its patants has bin too dangerous life and honor, hopeing that you will give me my discharge on these grounds here in _____________ i remain William _______________ __________________ __________ ___________, Toledo, Lucast, Co: Ohio i rite this with the intensions of some day, in the near fewture, of making it public and in so doing expose one of the worst conspiricys, that war ever anyones privilage or misfortune, too disclose and hope that my fellow citisens will concider the disclosures, which i am riting here that its, for their bennifit that i take all this trouble, as much as for my own bennifit it is my disire two you through this wourld on the square, using every one right and treet-ing every one with respect, and have tried ever too live up too those principles, as i am an law abideing, man, it was not so very disigreable for me too acompliche i am at the presant time in the Toledo, State Hospital for the insane in m building, ward one riting in my room, riting this down in this book, and on sunday after noon, and i cincerely hope that I may have the good fortune, too give it too some one that will, diliver it too the right parttys, and they will know what too doo with it, as all i rite, here, will bee the whole trouth and nothing but the trouth, too the best of my knowlage, so help my god, , i was born of honest but poor parrents, and honorable too extreems, who the criminal stain of dishonor had never darkened their whole life. i was a boy near the age of 7 years when, my fortune ever took our, famley, in the shape of war, and took my father, it left my mother destitute, with 5 small children and an older brother around the age of or near the age of 16 years, with my self third from the oldest being near the age of seven yea[rs] years, i remember we lived in the country, on a farm, that had, a small log house on it, and the farm was nearly all woods it i remember right, and situated on what was at that time called the old angola road, a bout 7 miles from the city limits, so i understood it was very hard for mother too keep the wolf from, the door, enkumbered with all of us children so some of us was obliged too find situations or something too doo, too help my crippled mother in hour suport, as i remember my oldest Brother excepting work as a hostler, from a man or famley, by the name of driver who lived amile nearer the city lim-mits, and kept a tavern i doo not remember the amount of money he got for his work but i doo remember that he brought it all home and gave it too my mother too help suport us, he was a good principled boy and we all had a great love for him, i don't remember if or not my oldest sister sought employment, from, away form home, yet there is a dim remberance of something of the kind, transpireing yet i could not positively say, at any rate wee all got a long quite well for the space of six months or more when my mother thought that if wee could, gett too some place where it was more thickly settled, she might find some kind of employment, for us children that would bee a little, help, toowards our suport so my Mother and my oldest Brother talked it over, and came too the conclution that wee would move too the city so wee pulled up stakes and moved, if my recoletions are coreck, it was the summer of 1862 that wee moved too the city of Toledo form the farm on the south plank, too, a house on summit street, calld the old Unuion hall at the corner of summit, and wallnut streets, it was a brown too storried building with a store front, my brother got work at one of the leeding furms, that delt or made it a business of deeling in ice the firms name was St, john and company, he work there for a year or more, helped Mother pay the rent and provide for us childrens wants and my oldest sister sis went out for work as a nurce girl, if i am not mistaken yet my recolections are somewhat dim on that point, and i can not give a corect answer, or file it on paper, i recolect of my going too the lagrange street School and of having a fight with a boy by the name of john young, the quarrel begain by him pushing me intoo the ditch, and i went for him, i remembber of having a pair of copper toed shoes or boots, i found they were good too kick with so i went for him and began too kick him with my cop-per toed boots, untill he howled like a wolk, and bled quite badly from his posstierior, where the boots landed every time i kicked him, he then ran away, we had a hard time too live as it was with my Brother and sister working, and my Mother dooing fine sewing for the nabors and the shopps, yet there was more trouble, for us comeing that caused depper poverty, and great sorrow for us all, it was my oldest Brother enlistment, in the 108th Ohio Vollentiers Infentry regment if i remember rightly, it was in the fall of of 63 and he would not have him 17 years old before the next augest of the following year, of 1864 it was hart breaking too see the parting of my Brother, an dMother i know little about it, as i was too young yet i saw some of it, and skipped out, for it was too much for me too stand, a young as i was, we moved shortly after that transpired too some friends of hours, that lived at the foot of Chess-nut Street, and i think that my brother helped too move our famley and gett us all as comfortable as our meens would permit and then left with his regment for the war, wee had the good fortune too have a cow that wee had brought from the farm and that helped us too live, she was a red white fased cow and gave a large quantity of rich milk, i may bee rong about what place we moved from the old uneion hall too first, yet it appears too me that i am right, but i may bee mistaken, i was so young and full of play that what hap-pened in the famley, as reguards the place we lived, i did not pay much attension too and cared less it did not amount too much with me it was one, of the too places, eather kings or at the foot of chessnut street, and as i have puit it at the foot of chessnut street first i will lett it re-main so, i believe we had a few chickens that helped us too gett along and brought in quite a little money att differ-ent, times, we were having a hard time too take care of our cow, i remember untill finely mother got her pastured, the pasture was behind the wood lawn semiterry and it was my duty too goo after here every knight and and take her out every morning too the pasture, i was in the habbit of takeing my boy friend with me, for sweet company sake, and too chase the spooks away, one night wee were late, in go-ing after her and it was dark when we got too the semiterry and as we had too goo throught the semiterry, too gett too the pasture, too lett the cow out we were in doubt as too its, habits, but after due concideration, we finealy plucked up curage, sufficant too make a start, we were not advance much more than half way through the grounds, when there arows before us something white and silant but moveing forward, yet apearantly swaying form one side of the road too the other, we were then in doubt wheather too move forward or make a retreet for home, but as i did not want too bee a cowered, i persuaded, my friend too goo on with me, too the pasture, and we finealy started, again, but had not got far in the semiterry before, we were brought to a stand still by the saem object that first atracted out attension, by its gost like apearance and movements, we stood still shivering form fright, not know-ing what too doo, go forward or turn back, we were debating on it when wee happen too glance sharply in the direction from where the ghostly object was comeing, and wee seen that it was makeing more speedy time in our direction and was close upon us, well now i never had such a feeling in my short life before, it was like, one seeing a horrable sight, that would make him deathly sick, yet at the same time scaire him near too death i stood in front of my friend yet had a strong hold on him and as the thing ad-vanced toowards us, i kept, saying too my boy frieng, don't bee afraid, it wont hurt you it cannot, bee no gost, i am not afraid, of gosts bee you, hee would not answer and while i was trying too bee brave, and help him too bee brave, the thing kep comeing toowards us, it finealy got clost up to us i should judge about 20 feet or less when it gave a great blatt or bawl well my friend tumbled head over heals, and i run for dear life and did not stop till i reach home, my boy companion hollered for me too wait for him, but i would not wait he reach home about 1/2 our after i did all out of breath and near scart too death, in the meen time the cow had come home, the man that had the pas-ture, had lett here out, and she had come home here self, we took the bow out too the pasture the next morning and in gowing through the cemitarry too the pasture wee met our gost of the night before, it was a white curham calf, with too red ears it had got out of the pasture, some way, and was strooling through the, semitarry Wee did not stay very long at my friends house, at the foot of Chessnut Street, but moved away in the space of time, i will say 2 or 3 months, then we moved too another place quite discont form where we were liveing, it was a house, in manhatten, or now North Toledo sittuated, near the bank on the old canal, just above the Manhatten corner called the King house, we were not there a great while when my Father came home from the army, having got a furlow, for 3 months i beleve, after his three months was up he went back too his regment, wee lived quite comfortable for a while after he went back, for hee had left us quite well provided, as reguards our house-hold wants yet hard times came again for us and wee sufffered many priveations, amoung many of the troubles that, we had in our famley was one that worryed us Chiel-ren, it was my Mother was takeing sick a bed, and in the corse of a few days a child was born too our famley, a lit-tle boy he brought happyness too our famley, and his pre-sants drove the hevvy clouds away that was hanging over us, and made the sun shine bright once more for us, a bereved famley, we named the little fillow Archer or George Archer ________, there may bee a dispute about the place of our manhatten domicile, and the place at the foot of Chessnut street reguarding the place we lived at first, but it seems too me that i have got it recorded right, simply because i can not remember of us having any baby, when wee lived at the foot of chessnut street, at any rate Archer was born in the old wash King house it was a queer old house i remem-ber , built of loggs and then shetted and sideing puit on over the loggs, wi had not bin long at the old place, after Father had gon back the second time too the war, and our new baby was born, when the ladie3s of the nabor hood called too see the new wonder, and finding that wee were not verry well off in this worlds goods helped Mother, a great deal by giving here sewing too doo, it was a great help, my sister i believe went too the city, and got work, too bring home from the talor shops they were mens pants too make, and that work helped us too live, about this time the ladies of the city of Toledo formed a soseitty for the protection of soldiers wives, and too assist them if the famleys were neady or in want of comforts of daly use for this famley they asisted my mother or our famley, in a num-ber of ways and one that i remember was, that she got $3,00 a week in money, from their society and did different kind of sewing, for it, but wheather she did the work or did not, she received the $3,00 aweek all the same, the rever-ance this noble society of ladies was held in by the poor folks was the deepest love and respect by all of the poor soldiers wives, and widdows, of the many ladies that be-longed too this society thare was one that was particularly kind, and made it her special business too see too the wants of all the soldiers wives, by making daly prilgre-mages too all those that she could, and those that were, in direct nead, of assistance, why i mention he in particular, was that she was verry kind tow our famley and too Mother, it was her that gave my Mother sewing, and allso gave my-self employment, at odd jobs such as running of earents, and doeing odd jobs around her house, she informed my Mother that she might send one of us children, at or too the post office building, as they had a business office there in a couple of rooms on the second floor and that they gave checks on stores for 3 three dollars, as three dollars in cash, too all those soldiers wives that they had found diserving, and had puit their names on a list, so if ma would send some one of us on each saturday, of every week, that they would give Mother, three dollars a week, so Mother, chose me as her messenger, and it wasmy dutty too go too the post office once a week, after the three dol-lars, and i faithfully atinded too my business, i remember one instance, tho that i will never forgett, and it will allways bee in my memory it was a cold stormy day and mother was thinking about not sinding, me, but after suming up the welth there was in the house she found it nesseary so, i was bundled up with scarf and ear covers, mittens and over coat, and started from our house too the post office a distance of three miles and a half, i walked all the way there and got the 3 dollars and started home, in the nabor-hood of half past too oclock in the after noon and reached home about four oclock, or near four oclock nearly per-rished with the cold it was a verry stormy day snowing, and blowing, and it must have bin in the neaborhood of 15 de-grees below zerrow, as i stept intoo the house, and got, part of the snow off my clouths my Mother asked me for the 3 dollars that i had got, at the post office and, i made the effort, of going through my pocketts, for the mony, too give it too her, when i found, that i did not have it too give her, i had lost the 3 dollars for search my pocketts as i might, i could not find the mony Mother says too me, why willie i believer you have lost the money and you dis-erve a good whipping for being so careless, now you go right back, the way you came, and see if you can find it, so i puit on my scarfs bundeled my self up again and was ready for my second trip too the city, when, mother think-ing that two would be better than one too search for the money, told my oldest sister too gow with me and help search throughly for the money she was rather reluctant about going out, in the storm, but Mother told her the nessesity of our want of the money, so after due concidera-tion, wee started and out wee walked a long the streets, toowards the postoffice wee searched with our eyes all along the street and side walk in search of the money, but oculd no where find it, where could it have bin lost was a punacler too boath of us wee had got, clear too the post officce, and was comeing back home, empty handed, when turning the corner off of madison street ontoo summit street and had got a crost the road too the north, west corner of madison and summit, streets, when i happened too glance down, and too wards, the lamp post that was standing there at the junction of the too streets, and there i saw a rapped a round the post clost too the sidewalk, my three dollar bill, i went too the lamp post, and carefully worked it off of the lamp post, and puit it in my mitten and puit the mitten on my hand, so that i would, have hold of it all of the time, and wee went on our way rejoicing oue our good luck in finding the money we finealy reach home quite a bit after dark worn out with out long tramp and search for the money, yet were well paid for our long tramp, in seeing the joy in the finding of the money had brought too us all, i believe that wee onely staid that one winter in the old king house, though i am not possitive, and on the follow sumer, we moved from Manhatten, from what is Called North Toledo now, too the other end of the city in the 5th, ward too a little house, the wimmens aid society had got for us, and there we stayed untill after the close of the war, we lived quite comfortable there, as we had our cow, and quite a number of good chickens, & my Mother took in sewing, and working, in a small, way, and my oldest sister got work learning the millners trade, she i believe went away too another city too complete her trade, and while there was adopted by the famley, the folks that that ran the busi-ness, i doo not remember the names of the people but i doo remember the name of the place, theat she went too, it was a little town called Jones Ville, she stayed there 3 or 4, month, or more and then returned home, and went too work in another place, she did quite well i believe, though i can not remember being so young and full of play, my youngest Sister, my youngest brother and my self, went too the 5th ward school, and dureing vacations wee all helped too pro-vide for our house hold wants, my sister helping my mother, about the sewing and washing, and doeing the house wokd and running of earants for the nabors, while myself had got work in the stove factory of Trobridge and Co, situated on the other side of the river, where now is the O.G. freight yeard, i received $1,25 cents a day for my labor i worked there for three or too vacations and part of the 3d, wee all gave or earnings too our Mother and she dispensed of them, four our bennifit, and other sorce of income, that helped too keep the wolf from the door, was my Mother re-ceived, by post, office, or through six months from my Fa-ther puiting our work all togeather and investing it for out suport, in the best way that Mother could, mad it suport us, quite comfortable so that we were never in nead want for the neasisearrys of every day life, yet at times wer in quite hard straits on acount of the high price of provissions, and cloaths, thus the years passed on in a hum drum fashion, some times we had abundance, sometimes, a near nothing, untill finealy the war, closed and Father came home i am a little ahead of my statements here in scribed, and so i will, puit it down here, my Brother that had enlisted in the army in the 108th, O,V,I, had him ta-keing prisnor by the rebbles in the 3d or 4th, fight, that his regment was engaged in, i think that it was at the bat-tle of the wilderness, and puit in andersonVille, prison, he was in prison nine long months in andersonville, prison, before he was prorolled, and transferred along with some others of the soldiers, home on a three months furlow, it was a joyfull supprise too us all and especaly so for my Mother as wee were not expecting him and because of her great love for him, my brother Deloss, was greatly changed i my self could, hardly, recognize him, but after he had bin at home for a time, his looks improved so well that, we all, had no trouble in recognizeing him, prison life had a had a verry bad efect on him, fisicaly, and he was a sight for too give one the horrows, he claimed, that their food, i mean the prisoners, food was composed of cornmeal, ground cobbs and all and that one pint was surved out for mess too each, man 3 times a day, dry corn meal and all, that they had too cook it with was, durrty watter, that they dipped up from a crick that ran through the stockaide, and that the crick was the receiver of all the fillth form the pris-oners persons, and all other reffuce of the prison, and that from the efects of this diett, different diseassed broke out amoung the soldiers, such as gang green scurvy, difrent kind of fevors, raged among the prisoners, and they were dieing at the rate of 3 or 4 a day, he told us that some of them would fight for their meal, too the death, and it became on every day occurance seeing someone of them lyeing ded from, fighting for their corn meal which kepped them from starveing too death, and that they wre dieing from scurvy, and from gangreen every day, and too make their prison still worse, they the prison officials had constructed, a number of stakes driven intoo the ground around the inside of the stockade and 10 ft, away from the main fence and called the ded line, and that if any soldier or prisoner was caught in the between this dead line and the main fence, he was shot by the guards, that walked around, on a platform built near the top of the stockade, and watched the prisoners night and day, and were told too shoot them down the reason of the officials, for this last move, was that before the dead line was built, that some of the prisoners had escaped through the crick, under the stockade wall, they had one or too ryetts, the prisoners banded togeather, and made a rush for the gates, when the grub wagon came in, in the morning with their days rations, but was not verry secussfull, and some of them, got killed, and none of them gained their liberty if i am corect, in this scribing, at one end of the stockade was a lot of low shedds, or stalls, the same, as those built for cattle, with out the feed _____, and in there llittle manger was thrown straw, and that too times, a blanket, and sometimes nothing, that the bunks became so filthy, they were full of bedbugs, and they became full of graybacks, or boddy lice, that they had no meens of getting reid of them, that they swarmed all over one, like, ants on an aunt hill, that they farely subsisted on human flesh, he told us the trying time he had too keep, the few boys in his regment from fighting and killing each other, through their sufferings, in pris-ons and for their food, which was barely sufficient too sustain life, and i know that Deloss spoke the trooth, for he was allways a peece maker, he told us of him, and his pardner, or bunk companion, of making up or composeing songs, too drive away sorrow, and too make their prison companions feel more contented with their hard lot and i will rite down in this book, one of the many songs that they composed, song of the southern prison life rittern and composed and sang, by Deloss _____ and his prison compan-ion, while in anderson vill prison Dear friends and fellows soldiers brave, come listen too my song, about the rebbles prisons, and their soldiering their so long the reched state and hardships great, no one can understand but those, that have endured that life in diccys sunny land, were poor, servivers were often tried, by many a threat and blame for too dissert our noble cause and join the rebble tribe, tho fane wee were to live the place, we lett them understand, wee rather, die than disgrace our flag, in dic-cys sunny land i ought, i will continue, as i have begain, hopeing that i have transmitted it from memory, too these pages corestly, if not the substance is the trouth, and the onely misstake is, in the corect time of it, transpireation, af-ter the mud had dryed up so that we could go too work at the frameing, again Nelson came down too the house for that purpose but did not go too work, be cause we had another quarrel and she had gon too her sisters too spend the night, and i had too go back too my Fathers house, too stay, and the day following i went down town too and too the town, and having 75 dollars to send come home, she di dnot return that knight, or i did not see her, so the next morning after breckfast, i puit on my fathers overcoat and went down town it had bin snowing the knight before and was quite cold yet was thawing some in places, where the sun shined, and the wind could not gett at these placed, though where the wind had a full sweep it was blustery and cold blowing the snow in great heeps and driffts, i went intwo a saloon and sit down too a table and called for some drinks, receiveing them i made my self comfortable by leanning my back a gainst the walll and prepaired too spend the after noon, i played a few games of cards, shook the a few games of dice, and treated some of the people that were in there, and finealy got off my seat went up two the bar and bying bying the cigars for my self and two or 3 others that were in there, settled my bill with the bar tender, went out doors, and went home, i think that it was quite late when i got too my fathers house if my memory serves me right, but can not possatively say the next morning it was quite warm and the snow was melting very rappidaly, and as the following day there was not much of it left thesame day or the next, my wife came home from her sisters, and was as good as it is possible for any woman too bee, and exsist on this earth, i knowing why she was so kind, did not take much stock in it, but thinking that one might come too a happy understanding, and that was better than a qurrel, i gave her kindness, for kindness, and we were boath the happeyear for it we had not bin long togeather, before she asked me for too give her the money that i had draw from the loan, i told her that i would, not, then she wanted me too go down too the lumber yard and pay it on the lumber that i had contracted for, i agreed too this proposion and wee started on our ----- for a few blocks too freemans lumber yard driving there we went in and paid i think $60 dollars on some lumber that we had contracted for our new house, shortly after this i was at work, and not feeling verry contented i returned home, form my work, and, went down too the river, lying down under a shade tree too while away the after noon hours, i was meditateing on the honestity of the people in this world, and compairing my hard lot in lifes fickle fortunes with the lifes of others men, when i was interrupted in my meditations by the apearance of my wife she sat down near me on the ground under the tree, and be-gan talking too me, about how i felt and i did not think that it would bee better for me too goo too the doctors and bee examend too see if there was any thing the matter with me, or ------ medicen, too clense my system, i told her that there was nothing the matter with me but if she thought there was i would go with her too the doctors, we went and the first doctor that examend me seemed too think that i had too much blood and neaded couping so he puit the cups on after takeing off my coat vest and shirts, the cups did not hurt me much, neither doo i think that they did me any ingurey, or any good, for i was not sick or in nead of any medical treetment, and the doctor said that there was nothing the matter with me, the doctors name was cook and him and my wife had, a private conversation i doo not know what the perport ofit was, but supose that it was, reguard-ing my self, we went home from the doctors and i remained the rest of the day at home, the following morning i again went to work, all, right and, reamined at my work all day, and for too or 3 days following, then a dark suspision took poseasion of me that all was not right at home, and i quit work and came home, oanly to find that my suspisions were not corect my wife began again with her everlasting pleed-ing, with me too too too the doctor again with her, and get something too drive away, the listless suspisious, feeling that had quite a furm holt of me, that it was noghitn but billiousness that was the cause of my feeling that way, well i went with her the next morning too another doctor whose office was on madson street, and the corner of 17th street, we went in and sit down in the office, and waited for the doctor too come, an he was out, some where, and while waiting for his return, another, patant cam in the office and sit down, too allso wait for the doctors return, she was a woman of about 30 or 35 years of age verry han-some and in the best of health, quite well dressed and had the appearance of an abundance of this worlds goods in her posesion, the lady and my wife had quite a confab, and the subject was my self, shortly after the doctor came in and, atended too her wants then she left he then called us in too the consultation room and inquired our wants, talking the while too my wife, and finealy, rot a perscription telling us the drug store too go too too get it filled we went too the store at the corner of franklin Ave; and adams street, we just got their too the store just as the doctor drove in his cart and, we went in the store all too geather, he, went up too the drugest and said something too him then went out, we then handed the perscription to the drugest and he filled it, takeing an 8 ounce vile, i be-lieve for the purpose, i watched him like a hock and saw what canestiers he took the medican from, and even at this late date i believe that i could point out too any one, the exact, canstiers, that he took the medican from, if i was too bee brought there, and the drug store still existed with no change in its, insides, the medican was strong cop-prous, dark green in collar, and he filled the vile 2 thirds full, and then puit a transparante liquid in, with another that was the cullar of wine adark brown the second remedy was in my belief tincture of iron the third remedy was for the blood or to act on the system, we went home, again, i knowing that i was not sick or in nead of any medicon yet my wife determined that i must take it i made the atempt and, i believe that if i had, drank live coals or liqued fire it would not have burnt any worse, it felt, as if my insides were on fire, my throat, and lungs and my stumic were burning, i took a drink of watter then went out of the house the watter quenched the fire except in my lungs, so i went over to the drug store and bought, a bot-tle of patant medican, called laudnum, for the throat and lungs, a remedy that was considered, unequaled, as a care for lung complaint, i opened the bottle and drank half, of it it went too my lungs and stopp the burning and eating pain that was caused by takeing the doctors medicin i kept it seccret and took it occasionaly and in a few days was all right, i was verry carefull about what i ate or drank after this expearance, and i would not take no more, of the medican that we got from the doctors, the medican was in my opinion was perpared, for the persoe of running me, in too the dropsy and comsumptsion, if they could persuade me too take it, though i honestly believe that my wife did not know this, or she would not have bin so ergant for me too take it, poor woman she did not know the aufful conspireicy that was, hatched, by certain seacret organizeations too distroy my honor, and take my life by a slow murder, through the sorce of the medican vile, yet i did but could not wholey stop or their aufful conspiracy, nor did she know that, in the incorporation of my self, in this asylum, it puit me in their clutches and was for the purpose of my distruction by the afore said seccret soscetty, if she or my people had known this horrable conspireicy against my life they would have moved heven and earth too gett me out of here, that is some of them would an dso would my wife, have got me out of here, it was shortly after this that i was arested and brought before the probate judge, and com-mited too the asylum for the first offence that the probate judge discharged, me for, oanly a few days before, the of-fence of having too bad a temper,, so i must be brought out here and stay a while too cool off, i will say in extenua-ton for the judge that i believe at the time of my convic-tion that he had no idea that, there was a conspiracy against my life or honor, by anyone, yet i believe that he was informed of this conspiracy shortly after my convic-tion, and oanly condem him for his carelessness, and want of dooing something too better my posision here, or getting my releace scince it was my distruction, for too remain here and every hour of my confinement was fraught with dan-ger to my life and honor, scince it was through his mis-judgement that i was incarcerated in this asylum for in-saine, yet perfectly sencubic and healthy, i will begin now, at the time of my second arest and trile, every thing that transpired, too me, up too the present time and as corectly as i can remember it and will allso transfer from memory all that these people have did, in any capasity, in this book, it is my disire too not rite any thing but the trouth in this book, so that any one that may by chance have the good luck or bad misfortune, too gett it in their possession, will not have any trouble, with it, and if by chance a humane person him or her will, follow it, prince-ables and asist any one of these poor mortals, who by their oan actions have proved themselves worthy of assistance, and so save them from the coruptness of these people and from what is worse than death dishonor, they will gett the blessings of all honorable people, and allso those of the partys whosoever him or her, may chance too help yet the person or party of person who band them self too geather for the purpose of assisting those in dire, distress as these people are at the presant time, will get the blessing that all honorable people, try for, yet few, ever gain, tho never stop trying for it, is gods blessing, our hevenly Fa-thers when arested the first time i was puit in the prison hall, at the central police station, and as it was, after dinner hours, i roamed around the hall untill supper time, when the turn key ended in the supper for us all there were about 8 or 10 in the hall of prisoners, and the supper con-sisted of a pint cup full of black coffie 1/2 loaf of bak-ers bread, and a half pound of balana sausage for each one of the prisoners, i took my rations with the rest, and set down too enjoy it in a corner of the hall, on the hard stone floor, after eating what i required too sustain the iner man, i gave the rest too one of the other prisoners, and went up on the stairs too the uper platform that gives entrance, too the uper tier of sells, and sit down on the iron railing that is puit around the out edge of this plat-form too keep the prisoners from falling off too the floor below, enrout for their sells at knight, or comeing from them, when let out, in the morning by the turnkey and for-mes a fence about 3 and 1/2 ft high carried all around the platform and down too the lower floor by the stairs, form-ing a stair rail and a better place too sit on than the stone floor below, about or at 9 oclock the turnkey came in too lock us up for the knight, and i was asined a cell in the lower tier of sells, on the ground floor, there was not any thing too sleep on except, a hard plank, fastened too the wall, by iron braces, and about 3 feet from the floor with another just like it 3 ft higher up i took the lower bunk, for my bed took my pocket hankderchieff out brushed the dust and buggs off of it and puiling my coat off i turned it inside out, roled it up, and used it for a pillow i than layed down and, quietly waited for morning it was in the naborhood of 11 or 12 oclock at knight when i heard ---, outer door of the prison opened by the turnkey and a cou-ple of men come in too the prison hall, and shortly after their entrance the turnkey locked them up three or 4 cells from where i was lock up and nearer the door that leeds in two the turnkeys room, i cannot understand what kept me awacke for it was simply impossible for me too gett too sleep, and while lying there listening too the many slight sounds that, disturb the stilness of the knight, i was sud-denly, braught too a listening posision by the queer sound or noise ishuing from the cell in which the turnkey had licked the too night prowlers in, the sound seemed too me too bee made by the two men, using each other, in a man and wife fashion, though using their mouths in the same way and for the same perpose, that a married man uses his wife pri-vates because of them boath being men on the next morning, before breckfast i had the chance that i wanted, too see who they were and i sized them up in great shape the young-est one of the two was a fine looking young man in the naborhood of 25 or 26 years old smooth of face and slitely spare, of flesh light complected strait nose, not very promonant blue eyes light hair or verry light brown, dressed in dark cloaths with a light diabl overcoat the same kind and color the doctors wore around here a few years ago, price had one of them, he was a trifle taller than my self, and slim in build, i blieve that he was of english decent, the other wasan irish man, short, and hevvy in build with a red or slightly red complection bull face, slightly roman nose dark sanddey hair, downturndown collar and dark gray cloaths, all too geather he was a slick look-ing fellow, or man, of about 30 or 35 years of age, i walked toowards them in the hall they were near the watter closet, at the end of the hall farthest from the door and one of them was sitting down on the stone floor, while the other was standing up and as i aproached nearer too them, iover heard their convercesation, and this is the grist of it well iam a sun of a bitch who would think it of him, he looks all right, there is not a rong look they say he suck it is hard too believe, yet looks is sometimes deceiving and one cant believe all that he hears, well iam a son of a bitch its funney i cant understand it well i am a bastard, if i don't believe that this a gibe, and many other things that they said, i could not hear, but what made me listen and try too catch the drift of their convercesation, was that they appearantly were talking about my self tho not directly yet they looked strait at me but talked too one an other, and did not adress any remarks, directly too myself, i sised them up, as men who earn their living by, mis lead-ing the public, as reguards people carracter, getting them intoo trouble by falce reports reguarding thir honor and getting a shaire of what is made from having them arested that is lieing about people, and getting money, from po-liceman lawers, doctors, and sometimes from ones enemeys, for makeing business for profinions, and for getting trou-blesom people, or people that know the seccret wormkings, fo their buisness and consequancly, are a fraid of exposure yet there is another buisness that i have heard of, that there too men might have followed a lively hood, and i be-lieve did for close, it is an organization, formed in all of the big cittys, in the country or some of them, i was so informed that there was one in the city of toledo and one of these vile organization in the city of chicago, by one who lives there and knows, and is concidered very trooth-full and, with lots of expearance for his buisness takes him too every part of the city, and so has the chance of seeing and knowing, nearly every thing of importance that transpires in, his city his name is Christopher Duizeso an honest honorable reliable man, and i allso had pointed out too me, in the city of toledo, by persons, that seemes too know what they were talking about, some of the members, of this vile organization, the parttys name i will not devulge, unleass it becomes necesceary, the organization i am riteing about is too vile for human beeings too belong too, and the organization is composed of men and wimmen that have forsaken humanity, an dare out cast by the re-spectable, people, an din conscequance have joined the lower animals the organization goos by the name of the C; Suckers, and which organization, i have bin trying in every honorable way that i could, not too belong too, and with the human instincts so wounderfully strong in me, and with gods great asistance i will keep clear from so long as god letts me live, tho i know the power that is brought too beare against, one, in helpless confinement, and soon, some fall by its pressure, rather than sustaine their, honor as men and wimmen, yet its bestly coersions and viler princa-bles have not the slitest effect on my self, yet i know that the these people, by their abuse, that i receive from them, at the present time and the abuse that i have re-ceived in the past 5 or 6 years of my confinement, will never stop trying too make me one of them, and consce-quantly indirectly make me a C; Sucker if they succeed yet i have to grin and bare it, untill such times as i can gain my liberty and independence 11 years or more have past since i was first brought here as a patant from lucast county and from the city of toledo ohio, yet dureing all those long years, i have not cesed too try and try over again too get my discharge, and failed, but with all the failures, there is yet a small, glimmer in the dark clouds that hang over my head, andipuit my faith, in god, with the positive assurance of getting my liberty some day in the near future, and ask gods assistance too keep me alive and honorable untill that day doth come however as it was Mon-day morning that, i am now riteing about, and the too gen-tle men of the night before, who were making those strange noises, and the meaning of these noises, which i have here inscribed i will drop them now and let the purson, or the pursons who, gett this back and makes it public, judge if i inturpited those sounds right or, rong, as the too men, were talking and looking directly at me, i thought they were talking of me, and i went up too them looking them squairely in the face as i drew near, and as i came closte too them they sceeced too talk, and was silant, i turned on my heel, and walked too the door that openes intwo the turnkeys room, and as i got near the door, the turnkey opened it and called them the two men out and i saw them no more shortly after this i was called, intwo the turnkeys room, and from their taken too the county jail in the prison van, i had a hearing privately and givven my relice, this was the first time, i was arested, a few days follow-ing i was arested, and puit in jail, i had good quarters their, for jail quarters i was puit in the matrons room there was a stove and a fire in the stove a stool or chair an iron bed stead big enough for two people too sleep in and a watter closet connected with the room, i staid in it over night, the next morning i was brought down too the probate court room for trile, there was in the cort room, at the time i was brought in, of men the judge, the doctor whose name was kitchen, the clerk of corts, who was a laddy, if i am not mistaken a lawyear, the asistant deputy sherief who brought me there, my self, my oldest sister and my brother Nelson, i and my sister were talking toogeather, and i did not pay much attention too the others, the doctor examend me and found that, there was nothing the matter with me, oanly, that i was slightly nervus, so he informed me, then went too the judge, and had a convercesation with him, while they were talking my brother in law, came too the cort room door with another, little man and looked in they were looking at my self so i thought, and in some way had something too doo with my conviction, i would bee will-ing too take me oath, and i doo not think that i would bee purgering, for shortly after his apearance and disappear-ance, the judge spoke too me in this way, well william or will i have heard, some bad storries about you, some of them is, that you have a verry bad temper, and when angery you are liable too hurt some one, or doo something that you might bee sorry for in youre cooler, moments, i don't think that you are verry crazey my self but, youre temper might lead you too doo something that would cause great damage, and sorrow, when argery if you did not controle it and i guess you better go out there and learn too control youre temper and cool of awhile, but he first, as in the bare part of his convercesation directed too me, he asked me if i was crazey and i answered him that i was not and laught at him, i was committed, and braught out here where i was, puit in the m building in ward 2, in the second storrie from the ground, and in the east end of the building, when i first came here i weighed 204 or 5 pounds and was in the best of health, not even having a slight cold, it was in the spring of the year of 1891, and since where near the 20th; of april i doo not remember the exact time or day of the month as i did not keep a calendar or look at one that any one else had, nor did i read the newspaper, or had not look at one for more than a month, so, i can not be sup-posed too know the exact day of the month of my incarsera-tion in this toledo State Hospital, for Insaine, yet i claim too have never bin insaine, neather am i senil neather am i a bastard, neather am i a pauper, neather am i a drunkard, neather am i a quarrelsome, neather am i a thief, neather doo i cheat, neather doo i lie, i don't claim too bee any of the vile things that these people have bin trying too make of me, but doo claim too bee an honest, honorable, law abideing, american citican, whose oanly fault is his poverty, and his christian princeiples, and a decendant from one of the oldest famleys in this united states of america, and the first one of a long line of hon-orable ansestors that ever was incarserated in any lunitic asylum, or puit in confinement and held, unlawfully in any state institution is this united states, we were a long line of macanics, farmers, and soldiers and buisness men on my fathers side of our famley, and on my mothers side of our famley they were quakers, minsters, farmers buisness men, spuriturelist, clairvoyants and some of them gifted with what is second sight, the gift was allso my fathers, and i believe that it was through him posesing the gift of second sight, that he was made blind, or by his enemies, as these people have tried two blind me every way they could untill i have lost it and my eyesight is partly distroyed from their abuse, it was did by poisioning the blood, giv-ing me brown kettus, and thus efecting the nurves that leeds too the eyes and makeing me inhaile dry poisions at knight every breath that i draw, while a sleep, and satureating my system by the use of hipnotism, with poisions and alsoby poisioned watter that i drink every day, that i have bin here in this asylum, i have allso ate adultarated food, every scince i have bin in this institu-tion, the adultration was composed of chamber lye, all kinds of filth that comes from these people, that, aught too goo intwo the watter closet, and be caried off by the sewerage, yet is turned in too the watter pipes, and con-ducted too the dining building too cook food in or with different kinds of diseases from eating filthy food, if it was not for the acids, that they puit in the food at dif-ferent times along with vitrols, too salluvate the patatns and in this way carrie off the corruption from the systum, but they sometimes get too much of these acids and vitrols in their food for the patants, and there by are salivated too much, causing inturnal hemmerage, or bleeding inturnaly some times purfurated stumic, or sometimes lung complaint, kidney diseases or liver complaint, now it all savors of speculation in human life, and is too a curtain extant, for the diseases this treatment, breeds, holds one in ocnfine-ment, and shortens ones life thus is it seccret specula-tion, and the patants knowing this sceem too keep them-selves healthym, and doo by the use of hipnotism, takeing one person, who is in confinement, with them as a patant and by the use of a little mor acids puit intwo his or her food, make him or her an attraction, or a receiving bat-tery, and, then by the use of hipnotism the attraction in made too draw the fillthy poisions from the systems of the other patants, thus keeping the rest of the other patants fairly in good health, tho the one that they use for this buisness, by hipnotism, or the attraction, that is used too keep the others in the ward, healthy, is subject too all kinds of diseases, such as blood poision, conjestion of the lungs or stumic, blader complaint kidney complaint bron kettus, and one other complaint, that blood poisioning will produce, they or the manergers of the buisness generly keep 1 or 2 atractions in each ward, all over, or in every ward in the institution, i have heard that the attractions, were paid for their use yet i have never seen any one of them that could positively say that they received any thing for their abuse, i know i have not an di have bin held here for 11 years or more, and used for the purpose i have here men-tioned, i think they aught too bee paid for their use, as it shortens their lives and nessearily holds them in con-finement while, they are used it pauperizes them, and taints their honor, and sometimes is their compleete, dis-truction, i know that the laws of our countery dose not alow any buisness of the kind that i have mentioned here, and it one complained of this buisness, the law would con-nect the partys, doing the buisness of conspireicy, and penitenchery would bee their just punishment, but they say in order too not have too pay these people for their use as atractions and too make it appeair lawfull, they report that they are C. suckers, and try too make them that if they are not, and in many caces acomplish their horrable disigns so and finealy beet them out of every thing that goes too make an american sittycan, life home famley friends and what is dearer than all these combinde too him or her, liberty and honor, so have i bin used, and so have they bin trying too make me a C. Sucker, of me knight and day for near 6 long years from 3 to 5 times a knight they have made attempts too commit sodomy on my self while i was a sleep, and used hipnotism made me draw their poisions from their sustumn, in this, they were using me boath for too keep the patants healthy and deacent, and i have heard that they were making extra money by the use of sodomy on myself, at the raite of $5,00 dollars for each and every attempt, i was shown some of the money thus earned, by too different parttys, and i too save my honor from their hell-ish disigns had too sew too hankerchiefs toogeather and make a bed convering too tie over my head, and face, in this way keeping from commiting sodomy on me, i did this for the space of time of 3 years, or more untill my breath got so short, from conjustion of the lungs and bowls, through drawing these patants poisions diseases, and in-haleing poisions by these parttys using hipnotism on my self, i finealy had too take my head covering off, because i nearly smothered to death too or 3 times, so much so that i blead too the nose and moth, and find a substitute in the barkadeing of my door, after i had bin locked in my room at night, it kept them out of my room yet the used me worce than ever, by hipnotism, and by the use of a galvanic bat-trie on me after i had bin electrsised, thus making me a receiving battire on the same principle as wireless stille-gra i claime too be unlawfully held in confinement, for il-legial purposes, in one of our free state institutsions, for the sickly, insaine, and week minded, people of the state of ohio, too bee braught, too bee cured of some ail-ment and restored too citican ship when cured and that the law, requires their protection by those who the state hires, an officers care for them, while in confinement and not for the distruction of the patants, or the people, that are held in helpless, confinement, and that i know that this and other institutesions like it is suported by the tax payers of the state, so as i have bin held here il-legaly, from the first moment that i was braught here, and you have proved it by youre abuse of me, it would not be nessesisary for me too gett my discharge in order too leave this instituteion, from the superntandant or any officers of this instituteion, by law, i claime that i am, getting pauperized, and that the whole of these people are con-spireing against, my life, too too protect them selfs, from being murdered in their sleep, by hipnotism and using me in their stead, thus endangering my life, on by breeding dis-eases, through their use of me, and they are allso detur-mined too distroy my honor by sodomy, so allso too keep them self from having outrages committed on them, and too make it appeare that the ones that are dishonorable, are honorable, and thus by lying all their durt, and filth at my door they receive protection, by misleeding their supe-riors or slave holders and this is the main reason why i have had too bag my head with hankerchiefs and barkade my door at night after being locked in my room, there is an-other reason, or proof of their conspireacy against my life and honor, and that is that every one of these people that will doo what they are told too doo, eather good bad or in-differant, get credit for it and i have noticed that they used by that monopoly, and holding me in confinement for their use and for these catholic bennifit at the expence of my life, liberty, honor and the honor of my famley, i am being used as a foreign surff and so are all of these peo-ple, yet there is this difference, that i never doo a rong or inmoral act while these people will doo anything that comes too their mind, i am or was perfectly healthy or would bee with my liberty, they are unhealthy, i work for my living honestly, they never work, if possible i prove that this confinement is diseaseing me and shortening my life they or these people prove that their confinement, is their health, and thus i prove a conspireacy by you all, against my life honor and liberty, i ment when i started too rite this book too explaine every thing, about this buisness, and all too prove my sanity by it and have proved my sainity by it, yet cannot explaine any more about this seccret organization conected with this instituteion on acount of there not being any more paper, so i bid you a kindly good by, hopeing that the parttys that gett this book will, use it for the bennifit of any one that, is in the clutches of this afful caniball of the state of Ohio this sapping the life out of the poor people of this U,S, of A, and may you bee worthy of gods blessings Wm, ----- Oh, how happy is the, man Lucinda ----- My Grand Father, was a Composed by the ---- Famous Page |