Wild Bill Davison, aged two, photographed outdoors with a dog.
Portrait of Ann Kreps Davison, Wild Bill Davison's mother.
Wild Bill Davison performing on 1976 October 10, at Lucerna Hall in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Women's Republican Organization for the period 1941-1943. Includes the organization's officers, creeds, aims, by-laws, and committees.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Republican Women's Organization for the period 1935-1936. Includes the organization's officers, committees, aims, by-laws, and creed.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Republican Women's Organization for the period 1938-1939. Includes officers, committees, creed, aims, and by-laws.
Catalog of programs offered in public high schools in Toledo, Ohio.