Panoramic photograph of 37th Engineers, Company E. John Richard Carter of Hull Prairie, Ohio, is in the second row, fifth in from the right.
Members of Company H, 2nd Infantry Regiment, Ohio National Guard, photographed in Bowling Green, Ohio, before being sent to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, for training. Once formally drafted into federal service, Company H was reorganized as Company F of the 146th Infantry, 37th Infantry Division,…
Troops from Company G, 147th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in Toledo, Ohio, having just returned home from serving in France during World War I. Company G was comprised of soldiers from Defiance, Ohio.
Photograph of part of the Western Front, the main theater of war in Europe during World War I.
Troops from the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces, encountering barbed wire on a French battlefield during World War I.
Article in "The Columbus Citizen" about the Gramm-Bernstein Motor Truck Company's Class-B Standardized Military Truck (better known as the "Liberty Truck") and its delivery into the service of the U.S. Army for use in World War I.
Troops from the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in a kitchen train car while serving in Europe during World War I. In the very back is Daniel H. McCullough of Toledo, Ohio, who later became a prominent Toledo defense…
"Loyola Club News and Notes" section of the September 1918 issue of the "St. Mary's Calendar" newsletter, providing an update on the activities of the Loyola Club's War Relief Commission.
Troops from the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in a mess line in a Neuville commune in France during World War I.
Troops from the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, American Expeditionary Forces, on the USS Vermont, returning home to the United States from Europe after the end of World War I.
Members of the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, pictured with one of their unit's field guns at Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama. In the very back is Daniel H. McCullough of Toledo, Ohio, who later became a prominent Toledo defense lawyer.
Troops from the 135th Field Artillery, 62nd Field Artillery Brigade, 37th Infantry Division, in front of their tent at Camp Sheridan, Montgomery, Alabama. The soldier identified as "Mac" is Daniel H. McCullough of Toledo, Ohio, who later became a prominent Toledo defense lawyer.