For voice and piano;Caption title;Cover illustration: a golden star labelled "peace" surrounded by 48 white stars on a field of blue
For voice and piano;Caption title;Advertisement on back page has musical excerpt for "At half past nine" by Archie Gottler on copies 1,2, and 4 excerpt from "I Cannot Bear to Say Goodbye" on copies 3 and 5;"Irving Berlin's bugle song"--Cover. Copy 1 is trimmed.;F.J. Lawson Co. N.Y;Cover…
For voice and piano;Caption title;Illustrated color cover with portrait of Tommy Atkins
For voice and piano;Caption title;Cover photograph of President Wilson
For voice and piano;Caption title;"Featured by J. Woodruff"--Cover;Cover photograph of Joseph Woodruff
Popular edition--Cover;Song for voice and piano;Caption title;"Dedicated to that Army of Noble Women-Mothers-Wives-Sisters and Sweethearts who are doing their bit for the boys 'Over There"": at heat of title;Cover illustration of an elderly woman knitting and a cloth with four stars hanging near…