Flyer for Dr. Kate Brodeur's talk held at the Wood County Public Library
Flyer for ICS Scholar in Residence Loren Lomasky's public presentation held at the Wood County Library in 1997.
Bodies and Pain: How to be Ill and Unhappy Bill Albertini
Cartographies of Identity: Memory and History in Ruth Beckermann's Documentary Films from 1980-2007 Chistina Guenther
Clayton Peterson Event Flyer Dr. Politsky
Stray Ejections, Misplaced, Shrouded in Forgetting: History, Trauma, and the Politics of Absence in Theresa Cha's Dictee Ellen Berry
Ensnared Destinies?: African Marketwomanry in the Slave Trade Era Lillian Ashcraft-Eason
Failures of Memory, Memories of Failure Ana Del Sarto
From Black Power to Jewish Radicalism, 1967-1973 Michael Staub
Explaining America's Lost War: The Forty-year Debate over Vietnam
Gender Portrayals in Sport-Related Advertising: Print, Point-of-Purchase, and World Wide Web Versions of Women in Sport Jacquelyn Cuneen
Globalization and Sexuality: Redrawing Racial and National Boundaries Through Discourses of Childbearing Eithne Luibhéid