Booklet with telephone listings for delegates, itinerary for convention, map of central Philadelphia, and long distance phone call information from Philadelphia, PA.
Victory Edition of the "St. Mary's Calendar," published shortly after the armistice ending the fighting in World War I. The edition includes a summary history of the Loyola Club's War Relief Commission, as well as extracts of letters received from soldiers and an Honor Roll.
Newspaper article about Gloria Steinem and her visit to Bowling Green.
An article in the BG News listing candidates and referendums to be voted on during student body elections.
Newspaper article about BGSU student Mellissa Marksberry, president of Organization for Women's Issues.
Newspaper article about talk by Cheri Hampton-Farmer on "Mental Health and the Construction of Stigma."
Newspaper article about attempts to save victim's advocate position at Women's Center.
Newspaper article about Domestic Violence Awareness Month activities on BGSU campus.
An article in the BG News encompassing numerous perspectives from BGSU students in the aftermath of the 1970 Kent State shootings.
A letter to the editor of the BG News from BGSU political science professor Howard D. Hamilton describing the benefits of student activism.
Newspaper photograph about Clothesline Project activity.
A series of articles and photo features describing the events taking place on BGSU's campus in the aftermath of the 1970 Kent State Shootings.