Newspaper article about Women's Center brown bag lunch on subject of domestic violence.
Program for ceremony of remembrance for 2009 Silent Witness Project unveiling.
Newspaper article about African-American women past and present in the White House.
Program for Women of Color Empowerment Conference: "A Total U Conference: Mind, Body & Soul."
Newspaper article about HIV prevention discussion at Women's Center brown bag lunch.
Flier calling for non-traditional students to help plan Women's Center programming.
Thank you note from Cocoon Shelter to Women's Center.
Newpaper article about talk by author and feminist Jessica Valenti.
May Day festival, 1918. Image included on the cover of the "100 Years of Women at BGSU" 2010 calendar.
Thank you note from Cocoon Shelter to Organization for Women's Issues.
Certificate of appreciation awarded to BGSU Organization for Women's Issues by Cocoon Shelter.
Poster for 2009 Women's History Month activities "Her-Story: Women's Narratives of Self".