Newspaper article about talk to be given by Emily Lyons as well as other upcoming events at the Women's Center.
Newspaper article about display of the Clothesline Project.
Newspaper article about Cocoon domestic violence shelter in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Newspaper article about lecture by Maria DeRose about stereotypes of women of color in the media.
Newspaper article about views and upcoming lecture by Jill Kilbourne on portrayal of women in mass media
Newspaper article about observations of domestic violence awareness month at Bowling Green State University.
Newspaper articles about silent witness project and domestic awareness month activities at Bowling Green State Unversity.
Newpaper article about talk by author and feminist Jessica Valenti.
Newspaper article about Silent Witness Project program.
Staff editorial about attempts to save victim's advocate position at Women's Center.
Newspaper article about upcoming talk by Gloria Steinem.