Miss Westcott, Elizabeth V., "Bible Woman," 1902
Negative copy of Miss Westcott, Elizabeth V., "Bible Woman"
Washing put out to dry | "A Chinese washout on the line 1909"
Letter from Grace McClurg to her family, providing an update on campus life and activities, including a snowstorm and upcoming exams
Mode of transportation in the Talieu region | "Up in the Talieo region while we were on a trip 1910."
Rickshaw | "On my way to Formosa, via Amoy. Feb. 1910."
Letter from Grace McClurg to her family describing her activities in Colorado for the summer, her reflections on the beauty of the natural environment surrounding her, and her recent change in housing.
Postcard from Grace McClurg to "Papa and all" describing her excitement about the possibility that she may be able to graduate in June
Letter from Grace McClurg to her family describing a visit from Uncle Hayes, a brief illness and her annoyance with other residents of her hall, and potential alternate educational plans
Letter from Grace McClurg to her family describing her work as a "maid" for the Bullards and the occasion of cooking for a family birthday party, amongst other things.