Diary written by William Lyons while a patient at the Toledo State Hospital for the Insane.
Letter from Conrad Cramer to his parents about the cost of food and the wellbeing of mutual acquaintances, and to his sister about the possibility of returning home soon.
Letter from Conrad Cramer to his mother and father about the weather, the possibility of war with Mexico, and his location.
Letter from James Whitmer to a friend describing camp situation in Kentucky, enthusiasm for battle, and reference to other soldiers in his company.
Letter from Albert Krueger to his family about what he has seen during the war, the weather, and longing to be home.
Diary of George Kryder detailing his experiences and duties while serving in the 3rd Ohio Cavalry Regiment during the year 1864.
Diary of George Kryder detailing his experiences and duties while serving in the 3rd Ohio Cavalry Regiment during the year 1865.
Diary of Leander Coe about his experiences and duties during his time serving in the 123rd Ohio Infantry Regiment during the Civil War.