A flier for a performance of The Orgones and Katan Klub at Easystreet Cafe on September 2nd, 2000
Three flier images for a performance of The Orgones and the Mystery Addicts at Easystreet Cafe on October 20th, 2000
Digital flier for a performance of The Orgones, Katan Klub, and The Unexpected at Easy Street Cafe on June 23rd 2000.
Flier for the Free Jam Two at the Clazel Theater on April 28th, 2002.
Flier for a performance of the Escaped Fetal Pigs and the Stain at Good Tymes in Bowling Green, Ohio, on November 13th, 1990.
Flier for the Black Swamp Arts Festival Local Music Stage at Howard's Club H in Bowling Green, Ohio for September 9th, 2000.
Digital Flier for a performance of The Cupcakes at Black Swamp Arts Festival on Saturday September 6th, 2003
Free Jam at the Clazel Theater on 2/8/01
Digital flier for the Black Swamp Arts Festival Electronic Stage at the Clazel Theater, 09-10/09/06
Flier of a performance of Downtown Brown, TroubleGiant, and The Kerplunks at Howard's Club H on October 10th 2014.
Flier for The Orgones performance at Easystreet Cafe on March 30th, 2001.
Flier for the Black Swamp Arts Festival Local Music Stage at Howard's Club H in Bowling Green, Ohio on September 10th, 2000.