Several photographic negatives of the 1938 commencement ceremony at BGSU, taken by professor Willard Singer.
Students and faculty in the Department of Ethnic Studies, Bowling Green State University, including Dr. Ernest Champion (far left) and Dr. Robert L. Perry (far right).
Photographs of James Baldwin teaching, lecturing, and sharing moments with students at Bowling Green State University during his time as a visiting professor.
An interview with James Baldwin in The Black Collegian.
Letter from Bowling Green State University student Yolanda Denise Johnson to author James Baldwin, requesting to interview Baldwin for BGSU's Obsidian minority student newspaper and the Key yearbook.
A letter from Dee Howard, a graduate assistant in the BGSU department of education, to BGSU President William T. Jerome; she expresses her support for Jerome's decisions in the aftermath of the Kent State shootings.
A letter from BGSU President William T. Jerome to Mrs. Richard C. Warner acknowledging Werner's May 5 letter and noting that student protests have elicited various responses from parents.
Homecoming Queen Juanita Nada being crowned by Christopher C. Seeger, Student Body President, before a BGSU football game.
Bowling Green State University and Bowdoin College students competing on the student quiz show College Bowl, broadcast on NBC.
BGSU senior class officers Chuck Nelson, Barbara McNutt, David Anderson, and Wayne Bettendorf.
A student employee checks the spine of a book.
Student with umbrella in front of Jerome Library mural.