Lease for author James Baldwin's apartment during his visiting professorship at Bowling Green State University.
Letter from James Baldwin's agent, Edward J. Acton, to Ernest A. Champion, responding to Champion's October 7, 1976 invitation to James Baldwin to give a lecture at Bowling Green State University.
Delivered on November 9, 1979 in the Bryan Recital Hall at Bowling Green State University.
An 'exploratory' letter from Dr. Ernest Champion to James Baldwin, requesting his participation in a public lecture at BGSU.
A letter from Florence Alexis, daughter of Haitian novelist and poet Jacques Stephen Alexis, to James Baldwin.
A letter to JET Magazine from Dr. Robert Perry inviting JET to attend the release party for James Baldwin's Just Above My Head at Dr. Perry's home in Toledo, Ohio.
A letter from BGSU professors Robert Perry and Ernest Champion commending the actors in the production of Message from a Region in His Mind, an interpretation of the work of author James Baldwin. The production was staged by the Third World Theatre at BGSU's Department of Theatre & Film.
Letter from Joseph A. Walker, playwright, director, and professor of theatre at Howard University, to James Baldwin.
An invitation to a dinner in honor of James Baldwin at Bowling Green State University.
Contact sheets containing photographic images of James Baldwin teaching at Bowling Green State University.
Photographs of James Baldwin teaching, lecturing, and sharing moments with students at Bowling Green State University during his time as a visiting professor.
A letter from Louis Hudson to James Baldwin during Baldwin's residency at Bowling Green State University, in which Hudson requests that Baldwin send him an autographed photo.