Reference Librarian Linda Rich helps a student locate library resources at the Jerome Library reference desk.
Ellen B. Wells, chief of special collections at Smithsonian Institution Libraries, with Dr. David Marks, director of BGSU's Browne Popular Culture Library. Wells and Marks are surveying Wells' recent donation of works by artist Maxfield Parrish.
Librarian Chris Miko introducing librarian Mary Wrigten to the Jerome Library's online catalog.
Librarian Stefanie Hunker (left) assisting students at the Jerome Library's reference desk.
Jerome Library's Head of Cataloging Joan Repp (left), unidentified, and Library Assistant Jane Arnold (right) browse books at a display at the Library.
In the Jerome Library's Curriculum Resource Center, staff member Sara Bushong assists patrons at the reference desk while other patrons work at tables. According to Bushong, who became Dean of the University Libraries in 2011, "This was probably taken somewhere between 1983 and 1988 because the…
The Library Staff of 1932 in what is now McFall Center.
The Library Staff of 1943 in what is McFall Center today.
A portrait of Ethyl Blum, the school's first official librarian. The library was located in a room on the third floor of the Administration Building, now known as University Hall.
A Library Staff member works in the stacks of the old library, now the McFall Center. This photo was taken in the 1952-1953 academic year for the Key yearbook.
Left to Right: Molly Blum, Margaret Yocom, G. Burling, Ruby King