An open letter from Bowling Green mayor, F. Gus Skibbie, commenting on Bowling Green State University's response to the Kent State Shootings.
The front page and headlines from the local Bowling Green newspaper, the Sentinel-Tribune, three days after the Kent State Shooting.
The front page of the Bowling Green Daily Sentinel-Tribune the day immediately following the Kent State Shootings.
A posting describing the goals and purpose of the New University.
Letter from the BGSU Faculty Senate to President Jerome condemning the actions of the National Guard in the Kent State shootings and requesting that the use of the National Guard on the BGSU campus be discontinued.
Letter to President Jerome from the Faculty Senate's Executive Committee in regards to the BGSU student body's reaction to the Kent State shootings.
A notice from the New University Communications Office at BGSU.
The results of a survey polling individual students about the activities tin which they participated on campus following the Kent State shootings.
A posting describing the New University and nationwide events of the time.