Explaining America's Lost War: The Forty-year Debate over Vietnam
Gender Portrayals in Sport-Related Advertising: Print, Point-of-Purchase, and World Wide Web Versions of Women in Sport Jacquelyn Cuneen
Globalization and Sexuality: Redrawing Racial and National Boundaries Through Discourses of Childbearing Eithne Luibhéid
"'The Countdown: Time Management and the Making of Modernity" Hai Ren
Hip Hop Border Crossing: From the Bronx Hood to the Global Hood Halifu Osumare
Homophobia and the Mexican Working Class Robert Buffington
Imitative Technique in Masses of the 15th Century Mary Natvig
Temporary Landscapes Lawrence Coates
Media Literacy, Democracy & the Schools Gregg Brownell
Mental lllness as Cultural Problem with Examples from Modern Austrian Literature Geoffrey C. I-lowes
Mourning, Memory, & Public Display in Northern Ireland: Popular Visual Culture & Political Allegiance Jack Santino