Newspaper article about Silent Witness Project program.
Newspaper article about upcoming Silent Witness unveiling ceremony.
Newspaper article about Gloria Steinem and her visit to Bowling Green.
Newspaper article about upcoming talk by Gloria Steinem.
Newspaper article about unveiling of the 2006 collection of the Silent Witness Project.
Newspaper articles about "Take Back the Night" activities by Organization for Women's Issues
Newspaper article about Cocoon Shelter and funding issues.
Newspaper article about public display of the Clothesline Project to mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Newspaper article about AAUW Outstanding Women Awards for 2005 presented to Donna Dill, Mary Krueger and Marcy St. John, including photograph of Dill and Krueger.
Newspaper article regarding domestic violence shelter.
Newspaper article about domestic violence shelter planned for Bowling Green.