For voice and piano;Cover title;On cover: Illustration by Barbelle;Library copy 2 has portrait of Nora Bayes on cover
As sung by Pauline Frederick in Innocent;Caption title;Cover photo of Pauline Frederick;Verso of cover: Excerpt of When I was a dreamer;Library copy lacks back cover and refrain
From the revue Keep kool;For voice and piano;Caption title;Cover illustrated by Starmer;Back cover: Excerpts of Bythe Shalimar, Painted rose, Dawn will come, and Out where the pavement ends
For voice and piano;Caption title;Cover illustrated by Starmer;Back cover: Excerpt of Hold me
From the musical comedy Jack and Jill;For the voice and piano;Cover illustrated by McEborg Hansell;Back cover: Excerpt of Dancing in the dark
For voice and piano
For voice with piano