Newspaper article on James Baldwin and Kiyo Kitahara being awarded Honorary Doctorate degrees from Bowling Green State University.
An article in the Bowling Green State University Monitor on James Baldwin's teaching at BGSU. Baldwin states, "I had to feel my way. It was something I had never done before. I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't care about the students. We learned something from each other."
Newspaper article regarding domestic violence shelter.
Newspaper article about Deidra Bennett, Victim Advocate with Women's Center's Transformation Project.
Newspaper articles about "Take Back the Night" activities by Organization for Women's Issues
Newspaper article about grant awarded to Women's Center.
News article about grant received by Bowling Green State University to help sexual assault victims.
Monitor article about Domestic Violence Month activities.
Newspaper articles about Women's History Month activities planned by the Women's Center.
Newspaper article on the opening of the Women's Center.
Newspaper article about Silent Witness program participation in national march.