Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about troop movement and fortification.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about finances, the patriotism of Ohio, and traitors in the North.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick detailing skirmishes and other information about various O.V.I. Regiments.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about his illness, the hospital, money owed to various people, and politics.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about the activities of the troops as well as a description of the surrounding area.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about the receipt of items from home as well as troop movements.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick about the arrangements and expenses of bringing Bob Moore to the Regiment to deliver boots and other goods.
Letter from Linus Patrick to N.B with news of deaths and details about boot order.
Letter from Linus Patrick to Bob Moore ordering a pair of boots with Joseph Moore contributing his own boot-related demands.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick demanding that requested items be sent immediately.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father John B. Patrick describing guard duty and the condition of the camp, as well as requesting certain items of clothing.
Letter from Linus Patrick to his father, mother, brother, and sister about his wellbeing and the condition of his regiment.