Flier with listings for spring 2001 brown bag lunch specials lecture series.
Flier for performace of Hand to Mouth about one women's experience with bulemia, by Lisa K. Barnett.
Newspaper article about planned Black History Month activities.
Newspaper article about display of the Clothesline Project.
Newspaper article on establishment of resource library at the Women's Center.
Newspaper article on first anniversary of the Women's Center.
Invitation to Annual Women's Studies Program Opening Reception.
Flier for Free Pregnancy Testing and Counseling.
Flier for Lesbian/Bisexual Women's Group.
Poster with calendar of events for Women's History Month activities.
Award of appreciation presented to the Women's Center by the Unity Coalition for its help at anti-KKK rally.
Newspaper article about anti-Ku Klux Klan meeting and presentation to raise funds for Kosovo.