Report submitted by Dr. Ernest A. Champion detailing the expenses of his trip to the Toledo Express Airport to bring author James Baldwin to Bowling Green State University for a visiting professorship.
A petition signed by members of Citizens For Action calling for support for the Ohio National Guard, balanced media coverage, and acknowledgment that peaceful dissent is a right.
A list of recommendations for the creation of a series of teach-ins at BGSU called the "New University."
A page of notes from a student protest rally detailing activist activities occurring over the next few days, including workshops, a candlelight parade, and a nationwide strike.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Women's Republican Organization for the period 1941-1943. Includes the organization's officers, creeds, aims, by-laws, and committees.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Republican Women's Organization for the period 1935-1936. Includes the organization's officers, committees, aims, by-laws, and creed.
Pamphlet providing summary information on the Wood County Republican Women's Organization for the period 1938-1939. Includes officers, committees, creed, aims, and by-laws.
The results of a survey polling individual students about the activities tin which they participated on campus following the Kent State shootings.