What does it mean to say that a person acts (and thinks) "rationally"? Ancient philosophical thinkers responded that we must identify and pursue what is perceived to be "Truly Good" for all of humanity.
Professor Muir is known for his provocative post-modern vessels which incorporate a unique personal iconography, historical references and an unconventional, quirky use of form.
The archetypal story of one selling his/her soul to the devil has been a featured plot device for novels, operas, movies, and theatrical ventures as well as a stimulus for various visual artists.
"Mental Illness as Cultural Problem with Examples from Modern Austrian Literature"
Law, Literature and the Death of Contract: Relations between Law and Literature in 19th Century America
Flyer for Dr. Kate Brodeur's talk held at the Wood County Public Library
Rayban Man, The Olympics, and Globalisation Andrew Wernick
Flyer for ICS Scholar in Residence Loren Lomasky's public presentation held at the Wood County Library in 1997.
Bodies and Pain: How to be Ill and Unhappy Bill Albertini
Clayton Peterson Event Flyer Dr. Politsky
Stray Ejections, Misplaced, Shrouded in Forgetting: History, Trauma, and the Politics of Absence in Theresa Cha's Dictee Ellen Berry
Ensnared Destinies?: African Marketwomanry in the Slave Trade Era Lillian Ashcraft-Eason