Telegram from the American Red Cross Lake Division to Mrs. A.F. Sandwisch, chairman of the Fremont Chapter's Civilian Relief Committee, stating that a Federal Board Vocational Education representative will be visiting Toledo to assist disabled World War I veterans, including "tuberculous men," with…
Thank you card sent to Deidra [Bennett] for Michelle M. Rizzi memorial service.
Letter to James Baldwin from Bowling Green State University Associate Provost Ramona Cormier thanking him for guest lecturing on the evening of November 9, 1979.
Thank you letter to Mary Krueger, Women's Center director, from Jacqueline Nathan, BGSU Fine Arts Gallery director.
Thank you letter to Women's Center from Executive Director of the Aurora Project, Inc. (Toledo, Ohio)
Thank you note from Cocoon Shelter to Organization for Women's Issues.
Thank you note from Cocoon Shelter to Women's Center.
Thank you note to Libby from City of Bowling Green Parks and Recreation for work on Girl Power Camp.
Thank you note to Mary Krueger from WEAL.
Unidentified writer (possibly Blanche) describes challenges in running the mission in China, including politics, school enrollment, and funding.
Letter to author James Baldwin inviting him to participate in a Voice of American "forum" radio program.