Photographs of James Baldwin teaching, lecturing, and sharing moments with students at Bowling Green State University during his time as a visiting professor.
Homecoming Queen Juanita Nada being crowned by Christopher C. Seeger, Student Body President, before a BGSU football game.
Bob Mauer, BGSU wrestler.
Dr. Fiora Contino directing the BGSU Collegiate Chorale.
BGSU basketball players Nate Thurmond and Bob Dawson.
BGSU senior class officers Chuck Nelson, Barbara McNutt, David Anderson, and Wayne Bettendorf.
Members of SICSIC, BGSU's secret spirit organization, on the occasion of the unmasking of members Philip Airulla and James Helwig.
BGSU president Dr. William T. Jerome and Dr. Duane E. Tucker in the WGBU studio, located in South Hall on the BGSU campus.
BGSU president Dr. William T. Jerome, and William Day, editor at the Toledo Blade, holding inaugural publicity from the Blade at Jerome's inauguration.
Incoming BGSU president Dr. William T. Jerome (left), and past president Dr. Ralph G. Harshman, in regalia at Dr. Jerome's inauguration.
Contact print sheets of members of the 1964 BGSU football team.
Urban Meyer, BGSU football head coach from 2001-2002.