Left to Right: Molly Blum, Margaret Yocom, G. Burling, Ruby King
Dean of Libraries Rush Miller pictured at his desk.
Don Rose receiving the Friends of the University Libraries Award. Left to right: Staff member Bill Schurk, recipient Don Rose, and BGSU News Service staff member Teri Sharp.
Sound Archivist Bill Schurk in the stacks of the Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives.
View of the Jerome Library's main staircase and interior mural.
Librarian Mary Wrighten assisting a student at the computer in Jerome Library.
Librarian Charlene York assisting students at the computer in Jerome Library.
Two students peruse materials in the Ogg Science Library.
A staff member assisting a student in the Center for Career Resources.
Interior mural in Jerome Library.
Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives reference area. Sound Archivist Bill Schurk is at the reference desk assisting a patron.
Librarian Bob McLaird and an unidentified staff member in the Center for Career Resources.