Flier for the event 'An Evening of BG's Newest Music' at Howard's Club H and sponsored by Madhatter Music Co. and Howard's Club H on April 15 & 16 4/15 1986 in Bowling Green, Ohio
Logo used by the Bowling Green, Ohio, punk band Blank Shatz.
Audio recorded history of the Daze of Rock event on BGSU campus for the Bowling Green Music & Cultural History Walking Tour
Dr. Timothy Leary lecture in the Grand Ballroom in the University Union at Bowling Green State University, in Bowling Green Ohio, on April 22, 1987.
Flier for a performance of Groovemaster - Dry Dock on November 19th, 1988
A flier for Groovemaster at Howard's Club H on September 7th, 1988
A flier for a performance of Groovemaster at Howard's Club H on November 16th 1988.
A flier for a performance of Groovemaster at Howard's Club H on December 14th, 1988
Flier for a 3 day residency of Groovemaster performing Howard's Club H from February 16th to February 18th, 1989
Flier for a performance of Groovemaster at Soft Rock Cafe on February8th, 1989.
Jose Luna and Mike Nemeth of Groovemaster
Mike Nemeth and Jose Luna of Groovemaster at Howard's Club H.